Welcome Home

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Camila's POV
Today I am allowed to take Mya home, I'm a little nervous as I haven't really been alone with her for an entire day and I'm scared that I might become to stressed out and take it out on her, which is the last thing I want to do to my angel!

Whilst she was sleeping last night I did a little and by little I mean a shit load of online shopping, what can I say it's a special talent of mine! I ordered her an entire wardrobe selection actually forget that more like department store x 10 selection of clothes.

I also may have gone a little overboard but she hasn't really had a lot and she hardly asks for anything so let's consider it a welcome home gift! I also ordered her loads of new unbroken toys that she can play with since she only had the old mouldy ones at the place I like to now refer to as hell! 

I look down at Mya and she looks so sweet and innocent! I watched her chest slowly rise and then sink as she slept silently, I decided now was the time to introduce her via social media to the fans!

I look down at Mya and she looks so sweet and innocent! I watched her chest slowly rise and then sink as she slept silently, I decided now was the time to introduce her via social media to the fans!

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I know what everyone is think "camz where have you been?" Well I'm here to answer that question.

As many of you will know the girls and I visited orphanages yesterday, the orphanage I was giving to go to was no safe, happy place, it was my version of hell!

Many of the children were abused and beaten by the supposed orphanage owner, never fear I got that bitch throw in jail! All of the children were in school but one as she was too young, doctors told me that she was the worst one that came from the orphanage.

She has no family and has never felt loved nor had a stable, permanent home. After discussing with doctors her options he said the only option was that she go back to a different orphanage, over my dead body!

After talking it over with two of my beaus @5H_Lauren and @Hey_its_Ally
I came to my OWN decision that I couldn't let this innocent child go back to an evil and cruel place... So .....

Meet my adorable two year old baby girl Mya Cabello 💞🌎

She is perfectly healthy and will be discharged later today!
Prepare yourself for some mama and daughter
goals 🙈👭

I posted the picture on my Instagram and on my Twitter, I watched as so many fans commented on how cute she was and how I was going to be an amazing mother figure.

It's nice to know I have the reassurance of the harmonizes! It wasn't long before Lauren commented on the photo I posted followed by the rest of the squad!

@5H_Lauren ~ baby cammie is adorable 🙊 take it from someone who held her as she screamed in their ear! 💁

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