Chapter 1

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[Outskirts Of Gotham City]

[September 4th 202X, 18:57 EST]

Dick was standing alone on top of an old abandoned building. He was staring down at the city below his feet.

"I can't believe it's been 5 years already, time sure go's by fast." He said to himself while reminiscing on his past.

He remembered himself running around town at night in his cape and fighting crime with Wally, Roy, and Kladur.

He could remember the taste of Alfred's home made cookies and how Bruce told him not to eat them all at once.

And he remembered the day Wally confessed his feelings for him.

"Those sure were the good old days." he sighed.

As the sun was setting Dick pulled up his hood then grabbed a USB from his messenger bag that was casually slung over his shoulder.

"Now it's time to get to work. Dick Grayson is back in action."


[Gotham Cemetery]

[September 7th 202X, 08:07 EST]

It was that time of year again, September 7th Wally thought to himself. Today marked the 5 year anniversary of Robin's disappearance.

"Hi Robin." Wally said softly to the gravestone. He kneeled down to get closer.

"You've been missing for 5 years now and I'm starting to worry that you got yourself into some trouble." Wally softly chuckled.

"Even though the rest of the team has stopped looking for you I'll keep on looking for you buddy, I know you would do the same thing for me." Wally paused then quickly changed the subject.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you this the last time I was here. So get this, Connor goes by Kon now. I think the name suits him well. They grow up so fast." Wally joked.

Wally would always be the first one to visit his friend's grave. Then he would spend the whole day there talking to the gravestone.

The rest of the League was worried about him.

He was never really the same after Dick was kidnapped.

In the first week of their search to find Robin, Wally refused to eat and spent all that time searching everywhere for him and left no rock unturned. But he was soon hospitalised due to the fact that he wasn't getting enough sleep and food.

It only got worse from there.

Wally would ditch school constantly to look for him.

After a year of searching, one by one people started to loose hope. When everyone gave up and called quits on the search Wally quit the team in a fit of rage. When Wally turned 18 he moved to Gotham to continue the search himself.

A month later they held two funerals in honor of their fallen comrade.

One for Robin, the wonder boy.

And one for the people who knew him as Richard Grayson. Only Bruce, Alfred, and Jason attended that one.

M'ggan was crying on Connor's shoulders the whole time.

Artemas, Kaldur, and Zatanna stood there mourning over the loss of their friend.

To everyone's surprise, Roy showed, with a bouquet of blue orchids, they were Dick's favorite.

Even though Jason didn't know Dick for a long time, he still concerned him his brother.

And Bruce couldn't bring himself to lift his head. It was my fault he thought to himself. I should have never sent him on that mission in the first place.

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