Chapter 43

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[Toronto, Canada]

[August 16 202X, 22:57 EST]

"Watch out, behind you!" Roy yells as he continues to fight off more of Gallavich's goons. Jason ducks just in time avoiding a kick to the noggin. When the leg swings over him, Jason takes advantage and tackles her down to ground.

"Arsenal, I think it's about time we leave." Jason warmed Roy. Roy noticed that Jason planted explosives on the dock and he was ready to blow them up any second now.

"Okay, here, catch." Roy throws the steel briefcase full of Lex Corp documents over to Jason while dealing with the rest of the thugs.

"Hurry up!" Jason yells. Roy manages to kick the two goons in front of him into the lake giving him an opening to run back onto the pavement with Jasin. "You want to do the honors?" Jason asks handing Roy the detonator.

"The honors are all yours birthday boy," Roy says. Jason gives the archer a smirk under his red helmet before blowing up the wooden dock causing everyone else to fall into the cold water.

"Let's get going before they get out."


As the two of them drove up to there cabin driveway Jason noticed a parcel sitting on the porch. "I said I didn't want anything for my birthday Roy."

"It ain't from me," Roy tells him.

Jason picked up the medium sized cardboard box and rips the tape off. When he opens it bits of styrofoam spill out. "Doesn't look like a body part," Jason muttered not smelling any decaying flesh. He kept on digging around with his hand until his hand brushed up against what felt like fur. He pulled an old looking teddy bear out of the box.

"Socrates?" Jason said recognizing his old plush toy. It was the only thing he had left of the old days when Jason was living with his mother and father. The only birthday present he got from his parents. When he met Bruce Jason brought Soc with him as a reminder of the very few good memories that he shared with them.

A card was taped to the back of the brown bear. There seemed to be no name on the front.

Jason opens the birthday card and he immediately recognized the handwriting.

Happy 18th Birthday Jason, I knew if I sent you money you wouldn't have accepted it and send it to Tim instead like you did last year so I went through some of the things I had stored in the attic and found Socrates.

The last time I saw you was nearly two years ago and now you're a fully grown adult. We might not see eye to eye all the time but always know that I will always be proud of you Jason. I hope you can join us for Christmas dinner this year.


"Who was it from?" Roy asks looking over Jason's shoulder.

"Just my dad."


[San Francisco, Teen Titan's HQ]

[April 23 202X, 12:14 EST]

"You still haven't asked him out yet?" Cassie asks taking a seat beside Kon on the living room couch as he stares at the boy wonder who's currently on monitor duty.

"Shut up. I don't know what you are talking about." Kon said getting flustered.

"What are you afraid of?" Cassie raises her eyebrow.

"Batman," Kon says feeling a chill run up his back.

"Well, what do you have to lose?"

"All of my limbs and organs if I Batman even catches me looking at him the wrong way."

"You're a Kryptonian, I highly doubt that would ever happen. Plus your like 7. Who would want to hurt a 7-year-old."


"Kon, I will not lose a bet because you can't grow a pair. Now you go up to Tim right now and confess your undying love for Tim. Computer fetish and all."

"Bet?" Before Kon has time to ask about the bet Cassie put two of her fingers in her mouth and whistles loudly.

"Yo, Robin, Superboy wants to talk to you." Cassie calls Tim over. "If you don't do this I then I'll tell Batman you imagine doing the nasty with his son. Good luck." She leaves the room after giving Kon a Pat on the back.

Tim rubs his eyes and yawns. "If I stare at this screen any longer I think I'm going to lose it. There is just no crime today. Except that man wear sock and sandals. What do you want to talk about?"

Come on Kon you can do this, you have saved the whole world before.

"I was um- gonna ask if you wannatogoonadatewithme." Superboy rushed the last part hoping Tim didn't hear him.

"Can you repeat that last part."

"You know what forget it. It was nothing. I think it's my turn to go on monitor duty mmphh-" It took a few seconds before Kon realized Tim's lips were on his.

"You are an idiot Kon!"

"What do you-"

"I have been waiting ever since I woke up from my coma for you to say that!" Tim says slapping Kon's arm. "I heard everything you said."

"Oh god. I'm going to go run a piece of kryptonite through my chest now."

"I am one of the world's best detectives, I figured out you liked me a few years back."

"And you didn't say anything?" Tim shrugged and gave Kon a cheerful smile. "Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?"



[November 1 202X, 11:47 EST]

"What do notice Damian?" Bruce asks showing Damian pictures of the crime scene. Damian looks carefully at the image.

"This isn't a suicide," Damian notices quickly ruling out that possibility.

"How do you know?" Bruce questions him.

"For starters, she is left handed and it is kind of hard to shoot yourself in the head with your less dominant hand."

"How do you know she is left handed."

"Her watch is on her right wrist, the TV remote is placed on the left side of the coffee table along with her cup of tea. It seems like she didn't struggle, try and run and hide, or call the cops. Whoever killed this woman must have been an acquaintance. There are no pictures of any family on her walls of anywhere else and none on her phone so must mean she doesn't have any or she is on bad terms with them."

"Very good."

"I know I am father, I am the best Robin after all." Damian gloats. Bruce pat's his head.

"Of course, you are. Now I think it's time for lunch." Bruce says turning off the batcomputer.

"It has been awfully quite since Todd, Drake, and Grayson left. None of them have seen me improve."

"I'm sure your brothers would be very impressed by your skills. I think it's about time you met the best of the best."

"What do you mean father?"

"I was thinking after lunch I could show you the watch tower. Formally introduce you to everyone." Damian's eyes lit up as he ran upstairs so he could finish his lunch then go to the Watch Tower.

The last time he was there, things didn't end very well.

But it was about time to start over again. This time with a happy ending.

Word count: 1215 words


AN: It's 5:30 am and I start my first day of school in 3 hours. I just really wanted to get this chapter out. I should be updating Smile For The Camera later today. As always I hope you enjoyed.

The next chapter will be the last one.

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