Chapter 5

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[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 16:00 EST]

Bruce ordered all of his security to be on high alert tonight. He didn't know why but had a weird feeling that something would go down tonight.


Gotham City

[September 7th 202X, 18:39 EST]

Deathstroke had been camping out on a nearby rooftop where he could take out the billionaire with ease.

All he had to do was wait until Bruce was in range.

"Did I miss the party?" A sly voice said. Slade immediately drew out a handgun and shot a bullet towards the voice.

"Woah buddy, watch where you point that thing, you could have killed me there." Jason taunted the deadly mercenary from the shadows. "And don't make so much noise. I don't want any guards to disrupt our fun yet." 

"Show yourself!" Slade demanded furiously. Jason shrugged and came out of the shadows with his hands in the air. "Who the hell are you!"

"Oh, goodie, I like this game. Under my red mask, I have black hair, your turn. Let me guess, you have a bullet wound on your shoulder." Jason said playfully. The highly trained teen drew out his favorite Glock 18 from his leather jacket and shot the mercs shoulder before Slade could react.

"Shit." Slade cursed putting pressure onto his wounded shoulder. Who the hell is this guy?

"Your turn." Jason kept on taunting the older man. 

The sky was getting darker and both men knew it wouldn't be long until security interrupted their little scuffle. Deathstroke had 2 options now. 

He could a) continue to fight his masked opponent until he was defeated then take the shot or b) retreat before the police got involved.

"I spy with my little eye a dead man." Slade said threatingly playing along. He took a smoke bomb from his utility belt and threw to on the ground letting the smoke blind Jason long enough so he could disappear into the night. In doing so he left behind his sniper rifle.

Convinced that Deathstroke had fled the scene, Jason pulled out a burn phone that Dick gave him.

'I managed to scare him off. I'll follow Bruce until he returns to his manor just to be safe.' Jason texted.

'Okay good.' Dick replied immediately. 'So who's the guy you've been living with?'  

'None of your business Grayson' 

'It's is if you're doing the do with him. I need to look out for my family.' Jason could feel his face start to heat up. 

'Look out for your family my ass. You want Bruce dead. Gone. 6 feet underground.' He tried to change the subject.

'Come on you can talk to your big bro about anything. I won't judge.' Dick kept on teasing his younger brother. 

'I refuse to talk about my sex life let alone with you of all people.'

'So you do have sex.' Jason faced palmed himself. 

'I'm going to stop texting you now unless it's an emergency dick.' I hate this idiot, how did he ever manage to earn the title Boy Wonder, more like Boy Blunder Jason thought to himself.

'Was that my name or an insult?' 




[September 8th 202X, 01:09 EST]  

It was a little past 1 in the morning when Bruce got home. He was mentally drained having to keep up his image to the public. He swore his hand was swelling at one point due to all the handshakes and applauding he had to do. But now he could review the footage that Wally had told him to analyze.

"Would you care for a snack or beverage?" Alfred asked Bruce as he was searching through all the footage.

"Could you start a pot of coffee for me, I feel like this is going to be yet another long night." Bruce asked politely sighing in exhaustion. Alfred nodded and went to the kitchen to prepare a fresh hot pot of coffee for Bruce.

He started to hack the Gotham City security footage like it was child's play for him. Then he filtered out all the useless footage and cut the part when the mysterious man caught the speedster's attention.

Bruce knew Wally was on to something. But he just couldn't put his finger on it.

He put the face though a facial scanner but nothing came up, no matter how many diffrent angles put the face at, it was like this guy never existed. 

But how was that possible Bruce tried to make sense of it all. Even if this guy did have the world's best plastic surgeon, the program should have been able to get a birth certificate at the very least.

"Sir I was just informed that there was an attempt on your life this evening at the Gala." Alfred told Bruce. "They found a rifle pointed to where you were located most of the night on top of a nearby roof. Unforchanatly there were no cameras but there was a note addressed to you."

"Do you think  it could be related to the recent Identity case?"

"You're the detective Master Bruce not me, you see for yourself." Alfred took his smartphone out and showed Bruce the picture of the note that he was sent.

Look, Bruce, I might have just saved your ass from Deathstroke but someone else that is more bloodthirsty than him is after you and I will not stop them. I hate you but I thought you should have the right to know that from now on check your back twice. 

This is making no sense. First the USB and the head. Next a threat on the wall. And now this note. Could the mysterious man that Wally spotted be linked to this? And who saved him tonight. With one question came another 2.

"You should go to sleep and work and this tomorrow." Alfred suggested. Bruce looked at his watch and yawned. 4:47am it read.

"You're right. I'll be refreashed after some sleep." He agreed.

That night he had a nightmare.

No it wasn't a nightmare just a mermory. The memory of failing his sons.

Word stamp: 1017 words

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