Chapter 34

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Warnings: Drug use, death count:2 I am going trigger happy, and the truth is relieved....


[September 10 202X, 14:00 EST]

Bruce had managed to track Tim down to an abandoned mental asylum. Slade had let him leave because he refused to let another child die, especially when it was Bruce's fault in the first place.

God, please let Tim be okay he prayed to whatever God that would listen to him. The death of Dick was still fresh in his mind. Blood, his son's blood, splattered on him. The worst part was he thought everything was his fault.

He didn't deserved to be called the world's best detective.

He didn't deserve to be a father.

Bruce wasn't thinking rassionaly, he was thinking like a mama bear wanting to protect their cub. You could tell he was serious because he was carrying a gun. It was simple glock, but it was a gun none the less. 

Guns are meant to kill.

Batman doesn't kill.

But Bruce Wayne would.

This crossed the line of crime. She was messing with family

He could hear the annoying laughter from the entrance way. He followed the high pitch noise. Rage blinded him. Under normal circumstances, he would be able to figure out Harley's position by now but instead he was running around the place like a headless chicken.

The laughter grew as he heard a sploosh sound. Why couldn't he hear Tim yelling for help! What had she done to him!

He took a left and saw a door opened. He ran into the open room. Harley was beating the unconscious boy with her bat. Blood ran from Tim's skull, he was shirtless and there were J's branded onto his chest.

Bruce grabbed his gun from his utility belt and the laughter that had been following him for years, stopped.


[Gotham Docks]

[June 7 202X, 23:29 EST]

"That's a first," Roy says walking up the dock joining Wally. "Wally West, first one here. Coffee?" Roy offered holding out a cup of hit coffee he got on the way here.

"Thanks," Wally said taking the coffee. Roy sat down beside the speedster taking off his backpack putting it beside him. His legs were dangling off the dock waiting for their ride. 

"So, how's Lian." Wally asks trying to make small talk.

"Fine." He says adverting his eyes. "Have you thought about w you're going to do when you see Dick?"

"Well, first of all, slap him right across his face as hard as possible." Wally says making Roy smirk. "Then hug that bastard."

Wally noticed the Roy was wearing another long-sleeved shirt even though this has been the hottest year in the last 7 years. "Aren't you hot?"

"Not really." Roy passed it off like he was trying the avoid the subject.

"It was 35 degrees today dude ands only going to get hotter."

"I'm fine!" He said more aggressively. Wally  didn't believe him for a second.

"Can you roll up your sleeves?" Wally asks knowing Roy was hiding something.


"You are acting sketchy. If you have nothing to hide then roll up your sleeves." Roy stares down at his thighs then takes a deep breath in and out. He slowly and reluctantly rolls up his left sleeve.

"Dude..." Wally looks at his old friend's arm in shock. His arm was covered in tiny red marks, some looking infected. He knew Roy had a drug addiction in the past during the time when he found out he was a clone and Oliver and Roy had a huge fight.

Hal, Dinah, and Wally helped him through it and got him back on his feet but why would he start using again? Wally did notice Roy had lost some weight but he never expected he would sink back after 3 years of being sober.

"I swear to God if you tell anyone..."

"Roy, I just want to help you man. You are like the brother I never had. I just want to know why?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I know you don't want to but you and I both know you need to." Wally says. Roy breaks out into tears. All Wally could do was comfort him.

"Lian," Roy started to choke up. "She- she's dead."


[Some Cafe]

[June 8 202X, 11:46 EST]

"A capachino with two sugars and the big English breakfast, eggs done easy over hard, no tomatoes and butter on the toast please." Dick ordered handing the waitess his menu.

"I'll have the health club sandwich and a double expresso." Tiger says giving his menu back.

"You aren't going to order anything?" Dick looked over at Helena. Shee shook her head.

"I already ate." She explains.

"Is that all?" The perky waitress asks looking at Dick like a lion eyeing its prey before going in for the kill.

"Um ya." Dick answered. She walked away but not before giving him a wink.

"Do people always hit on you like that?" Helena looks at Dick who seems to not have noticed the obvious flirting.

"Oh ya. That happens sometimes. What can I say, good genes, good diet." He shrugs. "Not really interested in girls, though." 

"Don't let Dr. Netz find out." Tiger warns.

"Is she homophobic." Dick asks surprised. It's the twenty-first century for Pete's sake!

"Lord no, quite the opposite. She will start writing about you in her 'erotic novel'. Poor Tiger had to suffer through her madness. Remember chapter 7." Helena wiggled her eyebrows at Tiger who had his head in his hands.

"Don't remind me."

"So you want to tell me why you kidnapped me in the first place?" Dick brings up.

"Well, as you know, we want to offer you a job as a field agent." Helena starts. "We know about your flying Grayson days, your days as boy wonder, when Bane and Deathsroke kidnapped you and your five year dissaperance, Rene-" Dick stopped her.

"Wait. You knew about Bane." He said swallowing a lump in his throat. 

"Yes, we did." Tiger nodded. "Did you ever wonder why Bane kidnapped you in the first place? Well, Spyral hired Bane and Deathstroke to kidnap you that night." For a moment Dick felt his heart skip a beat.

"We wanted you to be broken and hate Bruce so you didn't have loyalty to anyone. You would be a free agent. They were supposed to be the bad guys then we would swoop in and save you. You owe your life to us. You were already trained and didn't have any powers. You were the perfect candidate." Helena continued.

"Then Bane went rouge and said he had his own agenda. He took you to a different location. We don't know what he did with you. All we ordered him to do was beat you and starve you at most. Deathstroke was also ordered to do the same. 5 years past and we were still desperately trying to find you."

"Then you popped up in Asia."

"We followed you not knowing what you had done or what Deathstroke told you. We decided to wait a year before we stepped in. We followed you to Gotham then lost you again."

"A month a later we get a sighting of you in London. And now you are here."

"Well come to the spy world kid."

Word count: 1217

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