Chapter 17

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Warning: Descriptive torture (But important)

[British Colombia]

[September 10th 202X, 06:06 EST]

"They don't seem to be in Moscow."

"Or Shanghai."

"Nothing over in New Mexico."

"Nothing in Berlin either."

"Blud Haven is clear."

"So is Budapest."

"I see London I see France what I don't see are any of the Robins."

"Cross Tokyo off the list."

"And British Columbia too." Wally let out a heavy sigh.

This had been going on for hours now. All of the international Teen Titans pitched in but nothing came up. It was like somehow the three of them had vanished into thin air.

But Wally was determined to find his boyfriend no matter what, but another thought was lingering in his mind.

When was he going to tell the big bad bat he was dating his son and that he also knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne?

Even though he had a feeling that Bruce could kill him with something as simple as a glance, a bat-stare, he deserved to know being Dick's father and all.

What was his relationship with Dick anyways? Wally knew he loved him more than anything else in the entire world, even more than being part of the Flash family. But did Dick love him as much? Did he even love him?

It was so long ago and there were only 12 and 14 so of course they wanted to be in a relationship, but that didn't necessary mean Dick liked him more than a friend.

And what was he going to do now that he knew that the Dark Knight was billionaire Bruce Wayne!

Would he be brainwashed like in Men In Black? Would he be killed? Would he get his legs cut off? Would he get his balls cut off?!?

He did have the money to get anyway with anything.

The thought alone made Wally scream in his head and sick to his stomach. But he was not a bandage soaker, he just had to rip it off quickly and get it over with.

"Everybody in North America group back up in the Toronto HQ ASAP. Batman out." Bruce ordered everyone.

Wally zoomed across the country as instructed. By the time he got there most of the gang had already returned via Zeta Tube.

"Why did you call us back?" Kaldur asked yawning. Everyone was worn out.

"I am calling a break." Bruce said. Most of the members tried to argue and told Bruce that they were fine and could keep on looking but as per usual, what Batman says is the law. They all agreed to take at least a 3 to 6-hour break.

"I need to talk to you Bat's." Wally said after everyone else left the room leaving the two of them alone.

"What is it Wally." Bruce asked. Bruce and Wally made their way to the living room to talk.

"I know you are Bruce Wayne. I also want you to know I am dating Dick." Wally blurted out flinching. His face was bright red.

Bruce sighed and took off his bat mask revealing the face of billionaire, Bruce Wayne. He rubbed his forehead like he had a headache and took a few deep breaths before the firing a series of questions he was going ask Wally.

"When did start dating Dick?"

"We started to date about 5 years ago."

"When did he tell you about his identity."

"The other day Dick came over to my apartment surprising me. He told me his real identity then talked a bit. All he told me was going by Renegade now. We talked a bit more about other things then Artemis called me telling me that Dick was alive and so was the other Robin. He told me not to tell anyone so I didn't since I thought he was going to surprise you guys. Before I knew it he knocked me out and I woke up in a hospital. And knowing that he was Dick Grayson I put two and two together and I figured out that Bruce Wayne was Batman."

"So you didn't know that Jason was with them nor did you know that he was working with Slade to kill me."

"No sir."

"Did you tell anyone about our secret identities?"


"Does Barry know that you and Dick are seeing each other."

"I told him when I woke up in the hospital. I also told him about the USB and found out that he didn't know it even existed."

"It was to protect them."

"I'm sure you were."

"I will interrogate you further when we find Dick. Now promise me that you wouldn't go opening your big mouth about my secret identity."

"I didn't tell anyone yet."

"Good, now get some rest kid."



[September 6 th 202X, 00:32 EST]

??? POV

I am going to kill him.

Stab him repeatedly then chop him up into little pieces and send them to his precious little friends.

"Hahahahaha." I giggled at the thought of bathing in his blood.

But not before I torture him.

Tie him to a chair of old rusty nails.

I will rip out his fingernails and toenails one by one.

Break his jaw and the rest of the bones his body.

Place an inch worm in his ear.

Selling his organs would be a win-win.

I will have a box full of broken glass under his feet.

And once I am done with my fun I will decapitate him.

Just like he did to Mr. J

Word count: 932 words

AN: Short chapter but at least we have our lovely jester to make us feel better.



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