Chapter 28

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AN: For those of you that read the comic Grayson, you are gonna kick out of this chapter. If you don't know what Grayson is and want to know skip to the end for a very brief cannon summary.


[September 10 202X, 21:54 EST]

"AHHHHHHHHH!!" Tim screamed in pure agony.

"What puddin? Can't take the heat?" Harley asks chuckling as she presses down harder with the molten hot J-shaped brander. Tim only screams louder as his pale flesh gets branded.

"HaHAhAhahAHAHa come on scream louder! I want Bat's to hear you." Harley put's down the brander and picks up her wooden bat. She leans in front of him and uses her free hand to pinch Tim's cheeks. "You thought the other Robin had it hard with mister J? That is going to be a picnic compared to what I am going to do with you."

"STOP!" Tim pleads. Harley backs away and lifts up her bat.

"This is going to hurt you. A lot. HAHahHahaHAHAhA!"


[London, England]

[June 8 202X, 04:19 EST]

As Dick jumps from one rooftop to the next scouting the city he was also waiting for the perfect moment to confront whoever was tailing him.

"You can come out now. It's been over an hour." Dick stopped then turned around. "If it's a fight you want, bring it." He pulls out his eskrima sticks.

"Nightwing, right? Aka Nickolas Sterling age 18. Born in Vancouver, British Columbia. You can call me Agent 1. I am part of the spy organization called Spyral." The man introduced himself while coming out of the shadows. Dick could start to make him out. He was definitely taller than him, he wore a yellow turban and a tight black t-shirt which showed off his bulging muscles with what looked like a bulletproof vest on top along with a pair of black joggers paired with military boots.

Dick chuckled a bit. "What's so funny?" The spy asked raising an eyebrow.

"Aren't spy's supposed to wear tuxedos."

"That is only if we have to go undercover. And you're playing the vigilante stereotype out nicely with your skin-tight latex BDSM suit and mask but I do admit I am a bit disappointed. No cape?" Agent 1 teased.

"I tried that. Let's just say the cape thing only works if you're Batman. And this is made of Nomex fire-resistant, triple-weave kevlar-lined material. Which is great protection against damage, and is also works well against electricity. It gives more agility and as for the mask, we all have our secrets." Dick shrugged.

"Could have fooled me. I thought I was following a kinky bastard all night long."

"What do you want from me anyways?"

"Spyral has been watching your movements."


"And we want you to join our organization."

"You gotta me shitting me. No way in hell would I ever join up with some sketchy ass spy organization who has been stocking me not to mention sent out a random Agent follow me then try and recruit me."

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear. This is not just some invitation you can turn down, this is an order."

"Kiss my ass double O'seven. I am out of here." Before Dick was able to disappear into the night he heard the spy threaten him again.

"Yes, you are or else."

"Or else what? Are you going to have me assassinated?"

"You have no idea how long we have been watching you, Nick. Or should I say, Richard Grayson. Former ward of Bruce Wayne aka Batman."

"I'm sorry who?" Dick says deciding to play dumb.

"Ever since you and your mercenary friend entered Europe we have been watching you two like eagles. With the things you've done you could be killed on the spot."

"Was that a threat?"

"You don't have to make it one. Now come with me or else I will tip off the Justice League on your whereabouts and after the shit you pulled with them, I don't think they are gonna be friendly with you."


[Mount Justice]

[June 6 202X, 06:27 EST]

"What!" Everyone said in unison. They all turned to Wally who was acting nonchalant about his idea. Artemis walks over to him and pulls his collar so they were face to face.

"How could you even suggest something like that!" Artemis screams.

"What's the point of this team anyways. We don't have a backbone to support us anymore." Wally shrugs. SLAP! "The heck was that for Artemis!"

"You think Dick would have wanted us to disassemble!" Artemis tries to shake some sense into her friend.

"THAT'S MY POINT! We don't have Dick anymore. I started this team with him and Kaldur and without either of them, this isn't the same team we formed six years ago. I am out. I rather go solo than stay the Justice League's bitch. Continue calling this the Young Justice League, join your mentors or the Teen Titans, go solo, or stop playing dress up all-together. I am out." Wally manages to push Artemis off and heads for the Zeta-Tubes.

"B03, Kid Flash."


[Wally's Aperment]

[June 6 202X, 16:17 EST]

As Wally opens the door to his apartment he smells something. Was that grilled cheese? He runs over to the kitchen to find Roy out of his Red Arrow get up and in normal clothes chowing down on a grilled cheese sandwich.

"Why are you here Roy?" Wally asks throwing his backpack on one of the chairs.

"We need to talk." Roy says putting down the sandwich.

"If it's about me leaving the team I am not going back."

"Um, first of all, I had no idea you quit until now and second, don't you think I would be the last person to tell you not to quit. I quit the second Dick had the idea if you remember."

"Then what are you doing here? Wait, how did you even get in?"

"Through the door dumb ass. I know how to pick a lock."

"Oh." So that was probably how Dick got in that other time.

"Anyways Wally, how much do you miss Dick?" Roy asks seriously.

"I can't even describe it." Wally answers honestly.

"What if I told you there was a way to see him again?"

"Are you fucking with me mate? Did the Lazarus Pit finally take actions?"

"The thing is, the original Dick Grayson never died. He is still alive."

Word count: 1012 words


This is what happened in the comics, not in my story.

In the Prince Of Gotham story ark, Nightwing's secret identity was exposed to the whole world and now everyone knows that Nightwing is Dick Grayson. After this fiasco, Dick gets killed. Afterward's, we learn that his death was faked and he abandons the Nightwing identity.

He was then asked by Bruce to infiltrate the organization of Spyral as a spy and stop their plans. The only people that know he is still alive is the Justice League.

I highly recommend you check this comic out. The ending is a bit rushed but that is because they needed to end it by a certain date so Rebirth could come out.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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