Chapter 31

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AN: Heavily based off of volume 23 of Batman and Robin 2009 because I thought it would fit perfectly with what I want to do with Jason.

[Arkham Asylum]

[June 8 202X, 20:59 EST]

Jason was sitting in the dimly lit integration room waiting for the man of the hour to show up.

"Well, well, well, look who is back in Gotham. If it isn't the big bad bat himself." Jason said grinning as Bruce walks into the room. Bruce had asked to speak with Jason privately as Batman. Since Jason is still legally dead and he grew up as a street rat, he wasn't on any record so people referred to as Red Hood.

"Jason." Bruce says almost whispering. He couldn't believe how much Jason has changed over these last few month. He grew back his red hair and he seemed to have gained more muscle mass.

"How are you?" Jason asked not sounding sincere.

"Why did you petition the courts for a transfer from Arkham to another correctional facility." Bruce asked thinking Jason was up to something.

"Really? After everything we've been through we're just going to skip to business? C'mon throw a dude bone, a little small talk. How's Damian's mom?" Jason said wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're in Arkham for your own safety." Bruce said sternly.

"That's not legal Bruce. This is a fucking nuthouse. I am not crazy. I murder criminals who deserved to die. Granted, I dressed up in a goofy outfit to do it, but look in the mirror Batty. I have passed all of my psych exams multiple times. I am simply homicidal. Will I kill again? Sure. Am I a bad person? The worst. So keep me locked up. Just not here." Jason said making his case.

Something didn't feel right Bruce thought to himself. If he did get transferred there would be a list of enemies a mile long out for his head and without being in witness protection all he would be doing is fending off attacks. Why would he put himself in such risk?

"I will not be housed in your kennel for freaks. You hear me, Bruce?" Jason says raising his voice.


"Hey Red." Jason turned around finishing his shower to see who dared call him. "Or should I call you Mr.Hood? Cause I'm looking at the Red Hood right?"

"You're looking at him." Someone else assures.

"Looking at a man who's in for some trouble." Another party mumbles.

"Martin the Beaver Littleman..." Jason remembered him, well his brother anyways. Both were obese and hairy, and with a face as unattractive as that, it's hard to forget no matter how hard he tried. He picked up a towel and dried himself off. "I killed your brother, right? Him and about thirteen other idiots who worked for him."

Matin gritted his teeth and Jason could see the anger in his eye so he continued taunting him. "I'd say sorry, but I think we both know I wouldn't really mean it." Jason tied the towel around his waist and headed to the change rooms.

"You're dead, you hear me?" Martin threatens.

All Jason did was gave him the middle finger and he was gone.


As the night went on inmates returned to their cells to call it a night. "Yo, Beaver, you wanted to talk to that Wilma dude about more products?" Beaver's business partner asked. No response.

The crook walked closer to Beaver's cell. "Beaver, we gotta jet. He can't be talking to you for too long or-" He stopped in his tracks to look up through the metal bars.

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