Chapter 21

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[September 10 202X, 07:48 EST]

Bruce's POV

How did the Watchtower get invaded in the first place?

To do that you would need to know where the Zeta-Tubes were located and know the exact coordinates or be from space and happen to just past the tower.


Oh my gosh, Jason and Dick were in there, they had to be!

I alerted the YJL just in case things got out of hand then beamed up to the Watchtower with no plan what so ever but I couldn't just let them slip out of my hands again.

Not again.

"Took you long enough Brucie, I was wondering when you would show up." Jason greeted me. He was alone leaning on a wall holding his Red Hood mask in his arm.

"What did you do!" I yelled. Where were the other members?

"Don't worry I only think one or two are actually dead thanks to orange is the new new black but the rest of them are in the hold cells which Dick changed all the codes too so don't even bother trying to break them out." He said with a chuckle. This was not the kid I trained all those years ago.

"Why not meet somewhere private. Why would you fight people who don't have anything to do with this?"

"Because." Jason said childishly. "Anyways I have a little surprise for you, Talia, Damian."

Talia? Talia Ghul? Why is she here, and who is this Damian.

"Hello Bruce, long time no see." I look to my left and Talia walks up to me. She hasn't changed one bit since the last time I saw her, she's still wearing her tight catsuit. "I would like you to meet your son, our son."


"Hello, father." A kid said walking up to Talia. My eyes widened as I stared at a mini version of myself. "My name is Damian Al Ghul-Wayne."

"But how..." I ask still starting at my supposed son.

"I might have slipped something into your drink while you weren't watching." Talia answered seductively making me give her a disgusted look.

I kneel down to get to Damian's height and take off my mask. He gives me an icy cold glare. What should I say to him? Before I chance to even say anything, he throws a punch at my face. I grab his arm stopping the blow.

"I want to see if you are worthy of being called my father. Mother, ripoff, I have this one." He says sounding cocky.

"I am not a ripoff." Jason scoffs.

"Tell that to 1983." Damian replies.

"What?" Damian rolled his eyes and before I know it he pulls out a knife and attempts to stab me. I did a shoulder roll to dodge the dagger then put my mask back on.

"I don't want a fight." I tell him but he doesn't care. He charges at me once again and I tackle him on the ground pinning his arm behind his back.

"Who has this one again says the ripoff who didn't get their ass handed to them in 3 seconds." Jason says poking fun at Damian.

"Shut up."

"Where is Dick?" I ask looking at Jason. He shrugs.

"Sorry, I'm late. Flash was getting annoying so I used a trick that kid idiot taught me way back when." Dick says as he takes a walk at Damian. "And I have to say, Damian, I am a bit disappointed in you right now." Damian struggles to get up but I continue to keep him pinned down.

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