Chapter 2

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[September 9th 201X, 00:26 EST]

"Get up brat." Dick's head turned to the door. His eyes squinted as he adjusted to the artificial lighting.

He had been out cold for 2 days now.

Dick's hands were tied to the arms of the wooden chair and they put a ball gag in his mouth to prevent him from talking.

He was dehydrated and starving.

A familiar figure walked up to the young caped Crusader. The black and orange mask gave it away.


The mercenary walked up to the bounded hero and removed the red ball

Even though he was a bad guy he couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor kid. You could see the redness in his eyes and the dried up tears on his cheeks.

"W-what do y-you want from me?" Dick asked.

"Look kid, I would hate to see you die. What are you 10?"


"Just listen to us and don't do anything rash or I will be forced to kill you. All we want to do is train you to become the Justice Leagues Achilles heel."


[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 09:13 EST]

"Are you sure it's the real deal?" Wally asked still in shock. Bruce nodded. He ran at least dozen different test to make sure it was the real thing.

He took DNA samples, used 3 different facial recognizing software, and there was no doubt the head belonged to the one and only.

"So the only reason you brought me here was to warn me?"

Bruce nodded. "Unless you also want to run a quick errand for me."

Wally couldn't help but be curious, I mean it wouldn't hurt to know.

"What is it?"

"Since Flash is on a mission I was hoping you could take a quick look around town to see if you can find any more clues." Wally weighed out the pros and cons.

He could spend the rest of the day at the Cemetery talking to an empty casket.

But if he helped Batman he would owe him one.

"Okay, I'll do it." Wally agreed to Bruce's surprise.

"Thank you. Here." Bruce tossed Wally something that resembled a Bluetooth but much small. "Put that in your ear so that you can give me updates."

Wally put the ear piece in. "Did you visit Robin yet?"

"Not yet, but I will." Bruce promised trying not to show any emotions.

"Well then, I guess I'm off." Wally said. Bruce stopped him.

"You're not going in your suit?" Bruce asked. Wally shook his head.

"Suits aren't made for part-timers like me. Plus I outgrew it a while back. Don't worry I'll be done in a flash." Bruce rolled his eyes under his mask and watched the speedster go.

I got a feeling it's going to be a long day.


[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 11:54 EST]

Dick woke up stretching his arms with a yawn. The sun shined through the small window. Dick had been living in an apartment for the last 3 weeks.

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