Chapter 4

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WARNING: There is mention of rape in this chapter


[??? 201X, ???]

He could remember to room that they would throw him into whenever he made a witty comment or disobeyed them all to well.

There were no windows on the walls, just small metal air vent, a mirror hanging on the left wall, and the door. The only thing that lit up the room was a single light bulb the hung down from the ceiling.

In the cold concrete room, there were a series of torture instruments ranging from a simple but brutal leather whip to a metal rod with a J attached to the end which stood for the Joker. On bad days, they would brand his pale skin with it then leave him alone and starving for up to a week.

When the young teen begged for water Bane would come in and shove his cock down the poor boys throat telling him to suck. If his teeth touched him or he refused to swallow, he would get beaten or even worse, raped.

Dick couldn't even look at himself in the mirror. 







Those words would constantly play in his head like a broken record.

He would sit there for hours rocking back and forth hoping that Batman, the League, his friends, anyone, would save him.

Slade felt like he was going to throw up whenever he saw Bane come out of the room zipping him fly up and smirking. How could he do that to a child then smile, like it was something to be proud about? Being a father himself he thought, what if that was my son? 

After a few months of this ongoing torture, he made the decision and decided to help Dick escape.


[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 16:26 EST]

There was still a thought lingering in the back of Dick's head, what was he going to do with the USB drive? At first, it was only meant to be used for intimidation, to strike Bruce with one of his worse fears, people finding out he was Batman. But he could use it for other purposes.

Dick knew Bruce was thinking the same thing he was thinking. He knew that his former mentor would over think this situation like he did the majority of the time.

Multiple scenarios ran through his head.

He could go on the dark web sell it on the black market for big bucks. The bids could easily skyrocket up to billions and maybe even trillions of dollars. Dick would be set for life.

But he was ever really in it for the money, plus it would be too suspicious, Bruce would connect the dots sooner or later.

If he posted it on the internet they would never trace it back to him. All he would have to do is sit back and watch the chaos happen. 

That didn't feel right though. Not that having a dirty fight is one of his morals, it was just that there would be no personal satisfaction for him. The whole reason he came back to Gotham was to get his revenge, not someone else's.

"Ugh. I'm running out of food." Dick sighed deciding to take a break from thinking before his brain blew up. "It's not raining today, I could walk to the grocery store anyways."

He went to his room and wrote down the things that he needed to buy so he won't forget.

12 oz. sparkling putty or 20 packs of Silly Putty

1 container Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)



Candle Wax

12 Oz. Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol


A hydrometer or battery hydrometer

A large Pyrex, or enameled steel container

Milk (chocolate)

6-inch length of polyester yarn

Flour or Corn Starch

24 Oz. cooking oil (Canola Oil works best)

1 package wire pipe cleaner


2 packages (2.8 Oz) clear gelatin


Ice cream?

All the things he needed to make an explosive.

And food.


[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 17:15 EST]

Some of you might be wondering where Dick got the money to fund his little vacation since he has no job.

Well, he took a page from Deathstroke's book and became a mercenary. It took him a year of jobs to get all the money that he needed, but it was worth it.

He currently had a little over 7 million dollars in his bank account. But only because he went for the riskier jobs where he would have to get his hands dirty and it was always a life-or-death situation or assassinations of politicians. 

"I hope it doesn't start to rain. That would suck." Dick said to himself. Both of his arms were holding paper bags full of groceries causing him to nearly trip.

As Dick turned the corner he stopped in his tracks. The expression on his face looked he just saw a ghost float by.

He could remember that freckled face anywhere.

Wally West.

The speedster was wearing a snug navy blue hoodie which showed the outline of the redhead's lean body and matched with his casual skinny jeans. His hair style hasn't much, the only difference now was that he buzzed the side of his head a bit. He looked so mature now. 

"Do I know you?" He heard a deep voice ask snapping Dick out of his trance.

Oh shit! Dick thought. He started to run as fast as he could. Dick knew he would never be able to outrun his former teammate but he could hide.

Without a second thought, Dick ran into a random cafe and hid in the restroom. 

He locked the door and dropped the bag full of groceries on the ground. He curled himself into a ball rocking back and forth, something he was all too familiar with doing.

I just want to die.

Word stamp: 973 words

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