Chapter 20

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[September 10 202X, 07:24 EST]

Bruce made his way back to Gotham city exhausted.

"Master Wayne, nice to see you aren't dead. A phone call would be nice." Alfred said sarcastically while fixing the Batmobile that Tim nearly crashed.

"Have you seen Tim?" The billionaire asks taking off the mask that most of Gotham had come to fear.

"Last I heard, Master Tim was going to fight crime in your place for the time being while you search for Master Dick and Master Jason."

Bruce let out a heavy sigh. "Did you know that Wally and Dick are see one another?"

Alfred let out a smug smirk. "It's about time those boys told you."

"You mean you knew?!?"

"Master Dick had asked for some advice a few years back."

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"On the contrary, I was the one who told Master Dick to not tell you."

"Why would you do that? He is my son, I deserve to know who he is dating! What if they were a criminal and hurt him!"

"This is what I mean Master Wayne, you are too protective of him."

"Well now Wally knows my secret identity."

"I can vouch for him. He really is a good kid at heart even though he might act like an imbecile the majority of the time."

Bruce couldn't believe that Dick told Alfred and not him, who else has he told?



[September 10 202X, 07:30 EST]

The Justice League was scattered.

Some members were in their own city fighting their own problems, some were living their normal non-superhero life. The only people left in the tower were Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and Shazam, along with a few others that didn't really do much.

All of sudden an alarm went off.

Red lights were flashing, the Tower went to a lock down mode and everyone stopped what they were doing and started preparing for whatever or whoever was invading the Watchtower.

"Nananananana Batman." Diana heard a voice sing around the corner. She ran around to see that three other League members had been knocked out by Jason or as he now goes by, the Red Hood. "Hey princess, how you doing."

She didn't hesitate to take her lasso out and throw it towards the psychotic teen. He easily dodged the rope and distracted her long enough for Damian to hold a gun to the back of her head.

"Drop your lasso and sword princess." The kid demanded.

"And may I ask who you are." She asks dropping down her weapons.

"I am the son of Batman."


"Come out right now and no one will end up getting hurt." Oliver warned keeping his arrow drawn.

Slade nonchalantly walks up to the billionaire with twin pistols in his hands. Oliver hesitates to fire wanting to know where Dick and Jason are. "Long time no see," Slade says getting closer to the archer.

"So are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

"By the easy way, I am assuming you mean you want me to rat out where Dick and the other brat are correct?"

"You got the general gist."

Slade smirks under his mask then began firing away. Oliver swiftly manages to dodge the bullets and takes cover by running behind the cafeteria tables. This was going be a long day.


Billy transformed back into a kid hoping he wouldn't be caught as easily if he were smaller since huge bulging muscles weren't really the best way to not get caught.

He managed to climb up into the air vents easily now the hard part was to find the control room so that he could contact the rest of the League.

As he aimlessly traveled through the narrow vents. He was able to catch glimpses of what was going on down below. He saw 'ninjas' taking down other members and a brown haired lady shooting at Hal.

He could also here bit's of a conversation.

"Clone, switch out, thanks."

He kept on clawing until he saw the room he called 'the room with a really big computer'.

He made sure no one was down there first and when the coast was clear he unscrewed the vent screws with his makeshift screwdriver which was just a penny.

'I have got to talk to Bat's about how easy it is to sneak through the vents' Billy thought as he quietly jumped down from the ceiling.

Good thing this wasn't his first time sneaking around in vents.

The 10-year-old pressed the emergency button which notified the rest of the Justice League.

"This is Shazam calling, we need all members back at the Watchtower ASAP, we are under attack and most of the other members are either fighting or have been taken down."

"Who is this?" Bruce asked from the other line.

Damn it he was still a kid, his voice!

"I know I sound like I'm ten because I really am ten, long story, but I am really Shazam Batman, and we need help, like, now!"

"Okay, I read."

Now that he had contacted the League it was time to fight. "SHAZAM!"



[September 10 202X, 04:11 EST]

Tim was swinging around Gotham fighting the crime that Bruce was supposed to. Thankfully there was not much crime going on tonight, only a few thugs looking for a fight and a thief. He easily beat them then called the authorities.

It was almost time for him to call it a night since he had school in a few hours. Who really cares about sleep though when they run on seven cups of coffee a day.

He jumped back onto the ground near an alleyway making sure he wasn't noticeable.

He didn't want to be noticed by people then either get fanboyed slash fangirled over or get into an unnecessary street fight.

"Hahaha." He heard a girly voice laugh. He turned around but there was nothing behind him.

"Hahahahaha." The laugh got louder. He turned around again and no one was there just like before.

"I finally have you." Tim was now officially creeped out. He pulled out a bat-a-rang from his utility belt ready for a fight.
Something hit his neck and everything started becoming disoriented.

"This is for killing Mister J."

Tim suddenly saw a familiar figure standing in front of him now. He tried to take a swing at her but he fell to his knees instead. He looked up and saw Harley but she had a new look.

Her hair was blonde and tied in pigtails with the ends dyed in red and blue, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt and short shorts with stockings instead of her old jester outfit, and were those tattoos?

"Batman..." He said before falling on his face and passing out.

Word count: 1145 words

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