Chapter 22

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Warning: Depression, PTSD, rape, mature language, torture, suicidal thoughts, death.

[Copenhagen, Denmark]

[March 21 202X, 03:41 EST]

Dick's POV

"Bruce p-please help me." I cried as I was getting whipped by Bane. I could feel his heavy breathing on my neck as he started to lick it up and down making me feel disgusting.

"No one can help you now you filthy whóre." Whip!

"You are my toy. I own you!" Whip!

"Say it you slút!" Whip!

Tears were falling down my face as I continued to beg for help. I could feel drops of blood dripping down my back with every whip.

He suddenly stops. I sigh in relief but I know he still isn't done with me.

He tugs on the metal leash that he put on my neck forcing me to face him on my sore knees. They were in so much pain from me staying in a kneeling position for Lord knows how long.

I was also blindfold so I couldn't see what was going on. I heard the sound of a zipper and I knew what was going to happen next.

"Please no." I begged shaking my head while balling my eyes out causing the silk blindfold to be soaked with my tears.

"I didn't give you permission to talk." He snapped at me. "I didn't think so."

"No, no, no, NOOOOO!"

I got up in my bed and I could feel drops of water falling down my face and cold sweats dripping from my back and forehead.

"Shhh, shh, Dick it's me, Slade, you're safe. Calm down." It took me a moment to realize that Slade had his arms around me stopping me from what felt like a seizure.

I was crying onto his shoulders. I felt so weak. So worthless. So pathetic.

"It's going to be alright. Bane is dead. He can't hurt you anymore. You are a strong person Dick." Slade comforted me. I don't know how long I cried for but I was grateful Slade was here.

"I have something for you that I was going to give this to you later but I think that this would be a better time. Give me a second." He said walking out of the room. A minute later he comes back in hold something behind his back.

"Happy Birthday." He says handing me a long rolled up piece of paper. I unrolled to and my jaw dropped.

It was a poster of Hal's Circus with my parents in it and me.

After they died the circus decided to remove all the pictures of my parents out of respect. You can't even find this online.


"I know a guy."

I jumped on him to give him a big bear hug.

Slade has done so much for me in these past 4 years.

That's why it's going to hurt so much when I have to betray him.



[September 10 202X, 08:07 EST]

Dick and Bruce were staring at each other, neither of them taking their eyes off the other.

"It's time to end this foolishness, I just want to have a sit down with you and Jason. We can work this out civilly." Bruce breaks the ice making Dick chuckle.

"Not until you stop hurting everyone around you. It's a wonder how Tim is still in one piece." Dick spits out making Bruce wince. "Look, you have a son. Maybe it's going to be his turn soon. Get Alfred to make him a Robin suit but this time, add a big flashy arrow on the side saying 'target.'"

"Miss Martian is going to start the mind reading. Is that okay?" Bruce asks over the mind link.

"Yes." She answers.

"I'm so sorry Dick." Bruce whispers confusing Dick.

"Too late for thaaAAAHHHHH." Dick started to feel immense pain in his head.

Oh Dick, Jason, what have you boys been through.


[Dick's memories]



"Hello Dick, I'm Bruce Wayne, I'm sorry about your loss."

"Thanks, Mr .Wayne, for everything, I heard you paid for all this."

"So how you holding up."

"I'll be okay, at least that's what everyone's been telling me. I miss them. It's just not fair."


"Let's form a team. The three- the four of us."


"Wally West, will you go on a date with me?"



"Your Batman's brat ain't 'cha? Perfect. You're coming with me bird boy. Deathstroke, make sure the rest of those sidekicks are not going to be a problem for me."


"And you, you are coming with me."



"No one can save you now you little slút. I own you."

"Batman! Help!"

"It's pathetic to see you scream for. You know that nobody can save you know, they probably have forgotten about you by now. So how about we shut that little mouth of yours up."

"Please stop..."

"What did you run out of energy?"


"Unfortunately, for you, I have never really been a merciful kind of man. Now do what you do best you whóre."


"Dick, everything is going to be fine. I swear I will break you out of here one day. Now finish your food before Bane gets back. You need your energy for training."

"Thank you Slade."


"Get out my head M'ggan!"

"I just want to help you Dick. We all care about you."


"Calm down Dick."


"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Dick starts yelling. He stumbles backwards until his back hits the wall. "I just want to forget. Why would you do this to me."

"Woah Dick. Put the gun down." Bruce says slowly making his way towards the broken teen. Dick was holding a gun to his head with a finger a the trigger.

"He is coming for me. He's going to kill me." Dick cries uncontrollably and starts to hyperventilate.

"Listen to me Dick, no one is going to hurt you. You have me and Wally and the rest of the team." Batman asks.

"W-worthless, worthless and-and pathetic. I'm so s-sorry Slade."


Word count: 1030 words

AN: Please don't kill me.... there was already one death today....

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