Chapter 40

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[June 9 202X, 20:22 EST]

2 hours earlier......

Tiger kept his promise and brought Dick to Gotham via helicopter.

Dick had an agenda. The first thing on his list was killing off his former mentor and friend, Slade. He had lied and hid the truth from Dick for so many years.  No one was forcing him to or bribing him, he just selfishly kept Dick to himself.

Dick's sources told him that Deathstroke was staying in Gotham so that meant he had to be hiding out at one of his bunks. He only had three in Gotham as far as Dick knew of, the problem was he could be staying at any of them. It didn't matter, though. The longest it take would to search for him at all three places would only be 4 hours not including traffic.

Once that was done he would be able to move on to his next goal.

He checked the closest bunker first which was only 15 minutes away from where the two had landed. Luckily for them, he was there. Dick had told Tiger to stay on the rooftop across from Slade's condo and to keep a look for Bruce or the cops. 

Dick used a pair of binoculars to watch Slade through the glass window of his condo waiting for the right time to strike.

When Slade got up to go to the bathroom that's when Dick made his move. He took out a grappling hook and a loaded glock from the duffle bag of goodies that Tiger had stored in his helicopter.

Dick shot the grappling hook so the claw wrapped around a bar supporting Slade's balcony. He gracefully swung over onto the balcony with ease and landed on the platform. He retraced the grappling hook so he could use it to make a quick escape later on and clipped it to his belt.

Knowing Slade, Dick knew he never locked the back door just in case if he needed to get away quickly. He slid open the glass door and walked into the living room. The lights were turned off and the place reeked heavily of booze.

Dick plopped down onto the couch wondering what was taking Slade so long. He probably heard me sneak in with his enhanced hearing Dick realized. Probably suiting up right now. Dick cocked his gun then kicked his feet up onto the wooden coffee table as he waited for Slade to make his grand entrance.

Slade was in his bedroom. He was putting on his black and orange uniform. Katanas on his back and guns in his hands ready to fight whoever dared to break into his condo. He opened the door quietly expecting an attack. He didn't get one. Instead, he heard someone whistling Kill Bill.

He walked up the hallway and checked both the bathroom and the 2 guest rooms. Nothing.

That meant the intruder had to either be hiding in the kitchen or in the living room.

The merc took out a small black ball from his utility belt pulling the pin out then rolled the smoke bomb towards the living room filling the den with a cloud of smoke. Slade could use his enhanced vision to see through the grey cloud giving him his upper hand.

Slade turned his head to the kitchen first and saw no one there. He then turned his head over to the living room where he saw the last person he would have ever expected to see.

"Dick," Slade said astonished. There was no way it could be him. Dick is dead. He saw the body. Ra's said himself Dick couldn't be revived.

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