Chapter 33

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AN: Based on chapter 24 of Batman and Robin 2009 with my own twist to make it more sarcastic. Is the new cover better or is the old one?

[Spyral HQ]

[June 8 202X, 10:26]

Dick's POV

I look around carefully at my surroundings. I don't know what these people want from me but I need to be smart. If I need to escape I wanted to know the quickest way out.

These guys say they know all about me and my old life. I wouldn't put it past them to know other hero's secret identities.

I can feel Agent 1 glaring at me so I give him a wink. As long as I have this leverage I think I can get away with a lot.

As we walk out the dorm room building and into the track field I noticed that there were actually students here. When we get to a wall with a mural of God painted on it we came to a halt, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man." Agent 1 mutters.

I hear the sound of gears turning as the wall opens up. I start to see light coming from the other side.

"Are we going to Narnia?"

"Shut up. Follow me and do not touch anything."

"Yes, sir." We walk in and this place looks like something out of Jaime Bond movie.

"This is the Spyral Head Quarters. Before you meet the director I have been told to give you a quick orientation." Tiger coughs and pulls out a sheet of paper.

"We have the Speculative Chicanery Laboratory. The Speculative Chicanery Laboratory is a large room in which leads into another room called "M.I.S.T" which stands for Mental Image Stimulation Theater. That room can be used to host meetings and use hypnos to upload an agent's memory."

"Consensually right?" I chuckle awkwardly.

"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. Then we have the Director's Room. That is pretty self-explanatory. We also have my favorite room, the shooting range. There's also our Laboratory. Obviously, I can't tell you what we do but I can tell you one thing. Doctor Netz is like a 12 year old."

"Is that all?"

"All I can tell you."

"Richard Grayson." I heard a voice call my name. "Pleasure to finally meet you in person, I'm Helena."

"Call me Dick." I say reaching my hand out to give her a formal handshake.

"I hope Tiger hasn't given you much trouble." She said shaking my hand.

"Tiger?" I let go of Helena's hand and look at Tiger with a smirk. "Rawr." I wink playfully at him.

"Are you hungry?" She asks me.

"Starving." I answered.

"Well, I can take you to a nice cafe not too far from here for lunch. My treat." Helena offers.

"That sounds great."

"But first, we have to run a scan on you."

"Okay... What is this for?"

"Just to make sure you haven't been tagged."

"I'm sure Tiger knows." I look back at his flustered face.


"Hot mess alert." A lady whistles as I walk into the M.I.S.T room. She had these ridiculous goggles and a long white lab coat making her look like a mad scientist. She looks like she made be at least I'm her 50's.

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