Chapter 16

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[Beijing, China]

[February 22, 202X 00:00]

"Okay remember the plan." Slade whispered quietly. Dick nodded and then split.

It has been about a month since Dick escaped with Slade. Not much has changed society wise besides the president and Dick got adjusted pretty quickly when it came to technology, but when it came to human interaction, he would completely melt down.

But who could really blame him with what he has been through, it would take some time and maybe some help but he would eventually go back to being the sarcastic kid he always was.

At least that was what he thought.

This was Dick's first real mission with Slade. Tonight they were supposed to assassinate an official from China. Since this was Dick's first mission Slade told him to keep watch while also observing the technique Slade used when it came to assassinating.

The mission was going as planned. Slade was lining up his shot from a nearby apartment window that the hirer had provided while dick kept watch.

This is almost too easy. And Dick just had to open his mouth as he heard soft footsteps approaching them. Dick told Slade he would go and quickly check it out, just in case. Slade gave him a nod and Dick left the room.

Once he closed the door behind him he made sure to stay to the of the left wall using the darkness to his advantage. Something that Bruce had taught him many years ago.

It also helped that he was wearing a pair of black army pants with a black t-shirt and his black mask that covered his eyes.

He had a gun in his hand already loaded and was ready to take on whoever was lurking the halls. He slowly tiptoed down the corridor carefully avoiding squeaky floorboards.

Out of nowhere an arrow fires just missing Dick's head by a few hairs.

He took a quick second to analyze the arrow. No way Dick thought to himself, it wasn't possible.

Another arrow fired and Dick was able to dodge it. Or not. It blew up causing the kid to lose his balance and fall over.

"Red Arrow I know it's you." Dick said catching Roy off guard long enough for Dick to make a move. He shot 3 times at the where the arrows were coming from and got back on his feet.

"How the hell," Roy muttered while drawing 2 more arrows from his quiver. There was no way that this guy could identify him. It was way too dark to make out a face and he was told this was a mission involving Deathstroke, he had never met him and Roy knew he was a low profile hero so why would he keep tabs on him?

"Who are you?" Roy asked. The only response he got was another bullet. Fine, I guess I have to do this the hard way Roy though while taking 2 more shots before charging towards the mysterious figure.

Dick kept on shooting but it was too dark to get an accurate hit on Roy so instead of wasting ammo he ran to the stairs and fearlessly managed to jump down to the first floor. He smirked as he thought that his acrobatic skills came in handy.

Roy couldn't make that jump. It has to be as least 5 floors so he ran down the most of the stairs skipping steps until he was able to jump but by then Roy had lost sight of Dick.

What he didn't know was he was right behind him. Dick knocked the bow out of his hand and covered his mouth with his hand. Dick dragged Roy into the janitors closet and lock the door. He then turned on a very dim light, but Roy could at least see the guy properly now.

"You think of escaping and I will shoot." Dick threatened. Roy nodded his head slowly not knowing what to do. Dick removed his hand still pointing the gun at his old friend.

"Mind telling me how you knew me?" Roy questions. Of course, he couldn't figure out who this was at first go. Dick's voice had changed and he was all muscular now. Not to mention he let his hair grow to the point where he tied it in a mini ponytail.

He wasn't some kid playing dress up with Batman anymore.

"I will let you guess. You are allowed to ask 3 questions besides who I am obviously. And don't worry we plenty have time." Dick said cheerfully.

He didn't know why he wanted Roy to find out, the whole purpose of him becoming Renegade was to start a new life. But Roy had no choice but to play along since this mad man was pointing a gun at him.

He was able the deduct it was someone from his past but who?

"Who are your parents?" He asked starting it off.

"Mary and John Grayson, part of the flying Graysons. But they are dead, have been for years. 2 more questions."

Since Dick never told anyone on the YJL his real name, Roy was getting nowhere.

"How old are you?"


Think Roy, think he thought trying to piece together the puzzle. Roy examined the teen from head to toe trying to get a clue, something he could work off of.

Well, he had black hair Roy realised, and that's when it clicked. If Dick was 12 when he got kidnapped and it's been 4 years....

"Were you ever Robin?" Roy says in shock not believing that those words had just come out of his mouth. Dick gave a creepy smile and he peeled off the black mask reviling his bright blue eyes.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner." Dick laughed starting to sound like an actually mad man. "Pleasure to meet you, Roy Harper, I'm Renegade or as my friends- Deathstroke calls me Dick Grayson."

Dick shoves the gun into Roy's stomach hard pushing the ginger against the wall.

"You all thought I as dead, didn't you. Well, I guess what, I never really died, except for my innocent soul. So this is how things are going to play out. You don't tell anyone I'm alive and you help me or I will spill the beans on everyone's, and I do mean everyone's secret identities." Dick made up on the spot.

If he did that everything would be in chaos. Innocent people would be killed just for having connections and ties to heroes. For all that Roy knew, they could have been billionaires that run something as big as Wayne Industries.

Roy gritted his teeth not knowing what to say. Dick slowly moved the gun from his stomach all the way up his body till he hit the jaw.

"What's your answer, pretty boy?"


Word count: 1117 words


AN: School is almost over. Hara. Things are starting to make sence all thanks to Roy.

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