Chapter 6

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[??? 201X, ???]

"Get up." Slade said roughly. He was standing above a beaten down Robin. His body was covered in multiple bruises and deep slashes due to all the training Slade was putting him through.

"I can't." Dick whimpered. Slade scoffed then kicked the young boy's gut causing him to fly back and hit the cement walls. He coughed up a bit of blood.

"Is this how the infamous Dark Knight trains his proteges? How pathetic." He spat out.


"He will what? Find you? Save you. You've been gone for nearly a year now bird boy. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up on you along with your little teammates. Also, I heard from a little birdy that the big bad bat managed to get another Robin killed. The poor kid got kidnapped by the Joker and then dead in an explosion." Slade informed him.

"He would never let someone else die. He couldn't." Dick yelled with the little bit of energy that he still had left in him. There was no way Bruce would let Jason die he told himself.

"Really? then I must have read this newspaper wrong then." Slade snorted. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cut out a newspaper article and walked up to Dick. He squatted down so he could make eye contact with him and showed him the article.

HAS ANOTHER ROBIN FLOWN THE COOP? It has been weeks since anyone has seen Robin fly by Batman's side. Where is he?

Dick's eyes widen. How could Bruce Jason die? Especially after he went missing, Dick was furious. He managed to push himself up from the ground and onto his knees facing Slade. Gritting his teeth he ripped the newspaper article out of Slade's hand then tore it to pieces.

"This is what I'm talking about. Let me train you to be as good as me so one day you can avenge your fallen comrade." Slade kept on encouraging him. Dick slowly stood up ignoring the pain to the best of his ability's.

"Welcome to the true side of the light, Renegade."


[Gotham City]

[September 8th 202X, 13:15 EST]

Wally hasn't gotten a wink a sleep since yesterday. He just couldn't focus on anything but the those piercing green eyes.

Batman still hasn't given him an update yet and it was killing him. He didn't even know if the guy saw had anything to do with the case.

"Only if Robin were here. He could probably figure it out." Wally sighed laying on his bed.

"I go by Renegade now."


[Gotham City]

[September 8th 202X, 09:34 EST]

That morning Bruce woke up early. Even though he was running on about 3 hours of sleep he was determined to find a connection.

"Master Bruce you want me to call him, maybe he could help you find what you can't see." Alfred said while pouring Bruce another cup of coffee.

Bruce reluctantly agreed. After finishing up his breakfast he phoned his partner up.

"'Morning Bruce."

"Good morning to you too Tim." Bruce greeted. "Are you busy right now?"

"Not really. Do you need help with something?" Tim asked.

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