Chapter 39

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[Teen Titan's HQ]

[June 9 202X, 00:08 EST]

Tim and Kon headed out to the Teen Titan's HQ because the HQ had a supercomputer that could never be hacked or traced.

The only other supercomputer that either of them knew of was in the Batcave and if Bruce found out what Tim and Kon were up too, he would immediately shut the case down.

"Are you sure no one is in here?" Kon asked Tim for the 20th time.

"Yes, I am. Now quit worrying. If anyone asks what we're doing tell them we are just doing monitor duty."

"I'm pretty sure they would be too busy questioning the leader who has been MIA for over half a year and asking why you have the same tattoos as Harley Quinn," Kon mentions the tattoos making Tim groan. "I mean, uh, they aren't too bad."

Kon awkwardly smiles and scratches the back of his head.

'Recognized Red Robin B20'

'Recognized Superboy B04'

As the two boys walked into the tower they let the nostalgia sink in. It had been months since either of them had visited.

"Kon, can you grab something for us to eat in the kitchen while I start hacking into the Justice League's security system. I'm starving."

"Pizza pops and coffee?"

"You know me so well." Tim said walking over to the huge supercomputer. "Hello JARVIS, long time no see."

"You named the computer?"

"What can I say, I'm a fan of Marvel. I like how they based their superheroes in their comics off of our world." Tim says. "Accessing the security footage....... okay I'm in. What was the exact time everything went down Kon?"

"Uhh, September 10th. And we got the alert at 7:30 am." Kon confirmed. He watched Tim typing away on the keyboard. Whoever invented the stereotype of geeks not being cute was so wrong.

Ding! The microwave stopped and Kon averted his eyes from the child prodigy. "Tim, pizza pops are done. And nothing in your coffee."

"Dark and bitter, just like Bruce." Tim muttered under his breath. Kon could hear Tim and let out a smirk. Kon walked over with a cup of coffee in one hand and a plate in the other. "Thank you."

"No problem. Have you been able to find anything odd." Kon asked looking at the screen. It was playing the footage of what happened that day.

"Not yet. These are only the 6 main cameras covering the main hallways and the cafeteria of the watch tower. Wow look at those ninjas go, they are taking down the whole Justice League, even if they are sort of cheating by using knock out darts." Tim commented. The two boys had their eyes glued to the screen. "Stop right there, camera 4, the one facing the main hallway on the second floor. The asteroid in the background stops on the top corner of the glass window then a second later it looks like it just teleported to the bottom of the window. Let's keep on watching."

Tim hits unpause as his suspicion grows. Then stops again at 8:18am after the bang went off and everyone gathered around the corpse mourning over the loss of the raven haired teen.

"Tim, look at camera 1, there's a shadow on the wall. And judging by the time stamp and the other footage everyone was at the entrance. The question is who does that shadow belong to?" 



[June 9 202X, 22:22 EST]

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