Chapter 7

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[Gotham City]

[September 8th 202X, 13:16  EST]

"I go by Renegade now." Dick clarified while walking into Wally's room. Wally jumped off of his twin bed ready to fight the intruder. "Woah there tiger, don't you remember me Wall's?" Dick took off his mask and revealed his blue eyes.

"I guess I should tell you my real name now since Bat's isn't here to stop me." The realization came to Wally in an instant.

"R-robin?" He stuttered out is disbelief.

"My name real name is actually Richard Grayson but please, call me Dick." He formally introduced himself while walking closer to his old friend. Wally immediately ran up to Dick and gave him a bear hug squeezing him so hard that he got lifted off the ground.

"About time you came back, I was starting to get worried you were in some real trouble," He says holding Dick in his arms. Dick had grown almost as tall as Wally but he was still shorter than him by about 3 inches. "At least I get to say I told you so to every's face."

Wally lets go of Dick then punched him in the right in the gut hard making him groan.

"That's for being an idiot and not contacting anyone." Wally says.

"Yeah, I deserved that." Dick wheezed bending down and clenching onto his stomach.

"Now can you catch me up on the last 5 years dude." Wally asked sitting back down on his bed.

"Yeah, just let me catch my breath." Dick said making Wally roll his eyes. He walked over to Wally and sat beside him.

"I missed you." The younger teen whispered while leaning onto Wally's broad shoulders. "I missed you so much. I just want to stay like this for while."

"Do you want to cuddle?" Wally offered.

"Gladly." He responded smiling. For the first time in years, he never felt more at home. The 2 boys laid there for what seemed like hours for them. They had been separated for so long and now all they wanted to do was be together.

"Hey, Wall's remember that time when you promised to me to take me on a proper date." Dick asked making Wally raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why?"

"We should go on one. Like a really cheesy one where we go on a picnic at a park for lunch then we go watch Fault Of Our Stars, you start to cry and I tell you it's only a movie, then after we go back to your place and build a pillow fort or something."

"What are you? A kid." Wally snorts.

"Technically yes you pedo." He retorted back making them both chuckle.

"Whatever you say jailbait. I would like to think that I'm more of a sugar daddy." He smirked.

"Kinky." Dick winked wiggling his eyebrows. Wally's phone started to ring. "Who is it babe?" Dick asks still holding onto the speedster.

"It's Artemis." Wally said sounding confused. Why would she be calling?

"Don't tell her I'm here. I want to surprise all of them." Dick quickly came up with a lie. If the Leauge knew he was here his whole plan would be ruined.

Why would he take such a risk in coming here then you ask? Dick just couldn't stand not seeing Wally for another minute. It was killing him even though Jason advised him not to.

What a hypocrite, the minute he got back he was in Roy's pants Dick thought to himself.

"Whatever you say," Wally promised, clueless to Dicks real plan. "Hey, Artemis, I'm in the middle of something now can this wait."

"No this can't. You were right. Robin is alive, actually, both of them are and their hiding. Both Leagues are looking for him as we speak and everything is so hectic, it's currently our top priority. If you run into either of them can you call me?" She asked sounding almost out of breath.

"First of all, I told you so, second, I'll keep an eye out." Wally agreed then hung up.

"What did she?" Dick asked anxiously.

"Well, the whole Leauge is out for you and apparently the other Robin is alive too. Can you explain to me what is going on now?" Wally asked.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, everything was falling apart he thought. Dick had no choice but to silence Wally. He pulled out a small cloth from his pocket that was covered in chloroform.

"Sorry Walls, I really didn't want it to come down to this." Dick says confusing Wally. Before he could ask what he meant by 'this' Dick covered Wally's mouth and nose with the cloth knocking the ginger out cold.

He dragged the body into his closet. It was only a matter of time before Wally woke up. 10 hours maxim if he was lucky. Dick had to move fast. He pulled out his phone and called Jason.

"The plan is moving much quicker than I thought, they know we're alive. The whole League is after us." Dick warned him.

"Drake." Jason spat out. He was probably the one that figured everything out, wouldn't be the first time.

"Most likely, but we have move now or never. It's our only chance to get our revenge." Dick said.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the Ronde Vu point. And don't get caught Grayson."

"Back at 'cha." Dick slurred then hung up.

He wasn't ready at all. He was only able to set up a few traps and didn't go through a plan or strategy with Jason.

Think Grayson, think!

Dick could call Deathstroke, but Jason was there. He knew that Slade would figure out Dick was the one who sent Jason there in the first place! But what other choice did he have?




Dick was having another panic attack, he felt like couldn't breathe. He felt trapped, alone, scared like he was all those years ago.

Maybe revenge wasn't all that sweet.

Word stamp: 991 words

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