Chapter 3

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[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 12:39 EST]

"Y-you're alive..." Jason states in shock. He couldn't believe it.

"Well aren't you being a bit hypocritical Jason." Dick rolled his eyes.

"Shut it Grayson, I was thrown into a Lazarus pit, what's your excuse?" He younger boy snorted.

"How did you even get this number, this is for emergencies only. And last I checked, only one person knows this number other than me." Jason questions his older brother.

"I have my ways." Dick simply puts it. "Anyways I can't waste any more time, we can catch up later because right now I need your help."

"What do you want?" Jason starts to revert back to his PMSing mode.

"Tonight is the big Fall Gala that will be hosted by Bruce at Wayne Manor. Sometime during the Gala Deathstroke is going to try and assassinate Bruce. I need you to keep him safe." Dick says. As he waited for a response he started to hear laughter coming from the other side of the line. "Whats so funny?"

"Sorry it's just that I think you went completely insane, I might not have been the smartest Robin in the nest but I know we both have a grudge against Bruce, so why in lords name are you asking me to save him?" He says still catching a quick breath from the laughter.

"Because I want to kill him myself." Jason raises an eyebrow.

"Interesting. What's in it for me?" Jason asks very much intrigued.

"Don't worry I already granted your one wish. Check your email now." Jason does as he is told and logs into his email as fast as he could.

Once he logged in, he notices that he has one new message. The subject of the message was labeled 'Last Laugh.' Jason's stomach started to turn as his click on the new email.

"So, how do you like your present?" Dick said with a twisted smile.

Jason nearly dropped the phone out of his hand. He saw multiple pictures of the Jokers decapitated head from every angle on his computer screen.

He didn't have a proper reaction.

"So what time do you want me to be there at?"


[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 17:02 EST]

"Wally to Batman, Sector 7 is clear." Wally informed Bruce.

"Okay good job so far." Bruce said patronizing Wally.

While Wally was on recon, Bruce was getting ready for his annual Fall Galla.

He put his classy black suit on and a Gucci watch on his left wrist. He gelled back his slick black hair and put on a new pair of dress shoes.

"Master Bruce, the limousine is outside waiting for you." Alfred announced. Bruce checked his reflection one last time and gestured to Alfred that he was ready.

His security was higher than usually today due to the recent USB incident.

No matter how hard he tried to think there was no one that fit his analysis.

Lex Luther maybe? No, it couldn't be. He has no interest or necessary need in killing the Joker as for as he knew of.

Maybe a group? No, that's not right either, the pieces didn't fit. Even though they could kill Joker with no hesitation, they didn't want anything. Also, the message on the wall suggested that only one person is out for his blood.

"The recent case puzzling you Master Bruce?" Alfred asked. It was creepy that he could read Bruce's mind.

"Yes." Bruce sighed.

"If I may ask, did you inform the rest of the League of the information? I mean you clearly saw everyone's identities, surely they should at the very least know that you know who they are." Alfred pointed out.

"I guess you're right Alfred, I'll contact them after tonight's Galla." Bruce admitted under his breath. Alfred held in a smirk.

"I always am. Now come on, the guests are waiting for your arrival."


[Gotham City]

[September 7th 202X, 17:17 EST]

Wally was starting to get frustrated. He hasn't found any leads or clues, he is tired from 7 straight hours of running, and most importantly, he was starving. He was starting to think that Batman sent him on a wild goose chase around Gotham.

I guess I should tell Batman that I'm going to take a quick break Wally thought to himself.

As he was about to tell Bruce something caught his eye.

There was a guy that couldn't be older than 18 glaring at him. He was holding a few grocery bags in his hand. This guy looked so familiar, did he know him?

He had a nice build, lean and fit, messy black hair that partially covered his green eyes, and there was something about him that screamed mysterious.

Wally started to walk up to the raven haired kid but the teen stopped staring and made a run for it.

"Do I know you?" Wally yelled across the street. No response, but it did catch the teens attention.

Then he started to run.

Wally started chasing after him but he was gone. How in the world did he manage to escape so easily from a speedster.

"Wally to Bruce I think I found something." Wally says while still looking around the area for the kid.

"What is it?"

"Can you check the security cameras surrounding the Deli Shop on Ford Ave.  and the whole street as well." Wally asks.

"I'm in the middle of something right now but I'll get Red Robin to look at the footage." Bruce told Wally.

"I'll continue searching the area, Wally out." Wally let out a sigh. Why did the kid look so familiar!

Word stamp: 940 words

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