Chapter 11

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[Middle of nowhere]

[September 8 202X, 18:56 EST]

Dick's POV

I don't nowhere we are going, and I don't care. As long as we disappeared. As long as I have Jason and Slade. They were my only support beams. I know it's selfish to make Jason leave Roy and I hate myself even more for that but this will continue to haunt the both of us unless Bruce dies.

Slade was driving the getaway car at top speed.

We don't have long until Clark gets saved and he uses his x-ray vision or his super hearing to locate us.

I am still furious that everyone came. This was not about them. They gave up on me, they have no right to help me.

"Might I make a suggestion Dick?" Slade asked. "Why don't we pay a little visit to Ra's Al Ghul. He owes me some favors, I also have a little surprise for you and bucket head."

I looked back at Jason and saw a smirk. I looked back to Slade and nodded.

Once we reached the bay, we took a speedboat there.

Or should I say we stole a speedboat and rode it there, I texted Barry to pick up Wally from the closet, he had been in there for hours, he should wake up soon.

"Hey Dick, can I ask you something?" Jason said sounding tired. Everyone was.

"Shoot," I said facing him.

"Do you think Bruce hates us." He asked frowning.

Honestly, I don't have an answer.

"I think he still thinks that he can save you guys. I was watching the entire fight and I have fought Batman on many occasions. He wasn't even trying." Slade cut in.

The rest the trip was silent. Everyone was tired and dirty. Both Jason and I were running out of energy.

Once we reached Ra's island we were greeted by a whole squad of highly trained assassins. They put their weapons down as soon as they recognized the iconic black and orange mask.

"We request a meeting with Ra's. This is urgent." Slade emphasized. One of the assassins nodded then disappeared. Three of the assassins escorted inside.

If I had a camera I would have probably taken a picture. This place was gorgeous. The moonlight made it look like a painting.

Once we got inside Ra's was waiting for us. That was quick.

"Hello Ra's," Slade greeted.

"What brings you here?" The older man asked.

"This is Dick and Jason, Batman's former Robins. They have come back for revenge." Slade explained. Jason and I just stood quietly behind Slade.

"Last time I heard, these two were dead." He commented starting at us suspiciously.

"I can personally assure you that these guys are real. The reason why we came here was to seek for help. You see, we were luring Batman into a trap so that these two could get their revenge and kill him, but the Justice League came just as Dick shot bullet nearly kill Batman. We came here to seek help since we are being hunted down." After Slades summary, Ra's stared at us for a while. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Which one of you is the first Robin." I raised my hand.

"Hmm." Ra's kept on looking at us. "Fine I will help you rid of Batman. My only condition is that my daughter accompanies you on your mission."

"Talia?" Slade asks. Ra's nodded. I remember hearing her name come up a few times when I was with Bruce.

"Fine. Can we also stay here for the night? As I explained, we just got out of a fight and we are all tired." Ra's nodded. He told another assassin to prepare 3 rooms.

"You will meet my daughter tomorrow. Good night." Ra's then left us. 2 of men dressed in all black escorted us to our rooms.

We only have to push a bit further I thought to myself. Just a bit longer.


"Raise and shine Dick." Slade said as my eyes started to flutter open.

"Wheres Jason?" I yawned. Slade pointed to a figure behind him. Jason was standing at the back of the room yawning himself. It looks like he took a shower. He was still in his same old beaten up leather jacket but he held his mask to his side.

"Took you long enough." He muttered as I rolled my eyes. "Breakfast is waiting. Talia is also downstairs. She is a total babe."

"Roy would be heart broken if he heard you say that." I teased. Jason shrugged and walked out of the room.

Slade and I followed him. When we got to the breakfast table a saw a young lady sitting there. Jason was right, she was beautiful. She had long flowy brown hair and had a nice figure.

"You must be Dick, I'm Talia. I hear that you know Bruce Wayne." I nodded. "I want you and Jason to follow me. Slade, you can start breakfast without us." She stood up and began walking to the end of the corridor. I looked at Jason and he had the same confused look as I did.

We hesitantly followed her into a room. It had punching bags hanging on the left side of the room and the same sort of Katana's that Slade carried around hanging on the other walls.

"Good morning mother." A small child said. I looked down at him. He had black hair and blue eyes. He couldn't be any older than 9.

"Good morning Damian, I would like to introduce you too friends of your father." She knelt down getting to the kid's height.

"Did you say father?" Jason said errly.

"Dick, Jason, meet Damian Al Ghul-Wayne."

Word count: 976 words

AN: Yay I brought the little cock block brat into the story. I am terrible. I'm gonna make him as sassy as possible. I've decided (I flipped a coin) to make this story last longer. Thank you for reading.

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