Chapter 42

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If the video about isn't working go on YouTube and type Jason Todd Goner. I highly suggest watching it.

[Dick's Dorm Room]

[June 8 202X, 12:59 BST]

Tiger stops Dick from going any further. "Don't play me for a fool Grayson, I know all you want from me is a ticket out of England. So how about we make a deal. I will take you to wherever you desire if you kill this man." Tiger reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a crumpled picture. "I don't care how you do it, just get it done."

Dick looks at the older man. He sighs in relief that this didn't go any further. "Who is this and why do you want me to kill him?"

"His name is Prometheus. Let's just say he hurt a good friend of mine."

"Gee, what did he do?"

"Besides wiping out a bunch of city's he kill my friend's daughter. I have to warn you, he is tough. If you aren't careful he will kill you. I suggest backup."

"I'll figure out something." Dick promised. "After all, I am boy wonder."



[June 202X 11, 14:14 EST] (You know what I stopped giving a fuck about the timing. This is the last chapter before the 2 part epilogue and I am extremely surprised that I have been able do the timing thingy far as long as I have so I am going to let this one slide.)

After the encounter with his kids, Bruce told Tim to take care of Damian for him while he went back to examine Slade's body. To his surprise his body was gone.

The blood on the wooden floor was dried up but if the body had been moved there would have been a trail of some sorts.

Bruce called Alfred to ask him to access the security footage of the entire building. As he waited he heard someone trying to seek up behind him. Bruce pulled out some explosive bat-a-rangs and threw them towards the stranger.

Tiger dodged them all and let them hit the wall behind him. "Is that the best you go-" before he could finish his sentence the bat-a-rangs explode causing the spy to fall on the ground. Bruce took a look at him.

His build was like Dick's. He had muscle so he could pack a punch but he wasn't a tank so he was pretty agile. He was wearing a yellow turban and he had the same clothes as Dick. Tiger was only carrying one firearm and escrima sticks but no other weapons meaning he was confident in his fighting skills and can adapt to his surroundings quickly.

After the quick analysis, Bruce came up with 4 different plans. His could taser Tiger, fight him with his fists, run away or talk it out with him.

"What did you do with Deathstroke?" Bruce asked hoping for an answer.

"How am I suppose to know." Tiger retorted back as he got up again. Tiger pulled out his escrima sticks and charged at Batman.

"Okay, different question." Bruce dodges Tiger's sticks and kicks Tiger into a wall. "Where is Dick?"

"Oh yeah, he wanted me to relay a message to you." Tiger swept Bruce's leg and punched him in the face. Bruce grabs his arm and flips the agent onto his back.

"What did he say?" Tiger takes out his gun. Instead of shooting Bruce, he shot the kitchen faucet causing water to erupt out and detracting Batman long enough for him to get back up. Tiger swings his electric sticks shocking Bruce in the back.

"These things pack quite a punch, don't they? No wonder Grayson is so fond of them. Anyways, Dick wanted me to tell you that he wants to see you one last time. And as an incentive, Dick has Jason, Tim, and Damian." Tiger smirks before kicking Batman in the face giving him a bloody nose.

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