Chapter 13

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[Gotham Hospital]

[September 9, 202X 10:55 EST]

Bruce POV

Kill me now. My arm is figuratively killing me and speaking of killing me, there are 3 bloodthirsty, highly trained vigilantes from my past after my head. Two of them are my kids might I add.

I just want to talk things out with them.

"Bruce, you awake?" I heard some ask knocking on my door.

"Come in." I say. To my surprise, I see Clark walk in. He was in his civilian clothes with his a pair of new black frameless glasses. He had his hair gelled back so his cowlick stayed in place.

"Are you here as a friend or as a reporter." I ask as he takes a seat beside me.

"Mr. Wayne, can you tell me how you got stabbed by your son?" Clark teased knowing no one could hear our conversation.

I glared at him making him roll his eyes.

"The doctor said he would let you out in 3 days." Clark informed me. I groaned. "I know that look and don't you think about it."

"But what about Gotham?" I wallowed.

"Katie is taking care of that along with Tim."


"He has been informed."

"What is the latest status on Jason and Dick?"

"The JL has made that the second priority. And the Jr. League refuses to take down Dick and Jason. They want to save them." Second! I balled my fist and slammed it on the nightstand beside me.

"Why the hell is it second! And what's this about taking Jason and Dick down?" I yelled enraged.

"I'm sorry Bruce, but the majority of the League voted that the crime in their cities was a bigger problem than finding those two," Clark said sounding apologetic. I ripped the IV cords attached to my arm out and stood up. Clark immediately stopped me.

"You are going anywhere."

"I'm going to find Jason and Dick. I already failed them once, I can't let history repeat its self!"

"They want to kill you, Bruce. I care about you."

He grabbed my arm tightly. I wiggled myself free from his grip. He tried to block me from the door and just pushed him out of the way. As I walk down the corridor I hear nurses and doctors telling me to go back to my room. I ignore everyone.

Once I got outside I stopped a taxi and told them to take me to Wayne Manor.

The first thing on my to-do list is to contact the Jr. Leauge.


[Watch Tower]

[September 9, 202X 11:19 EST]

"Bruce took off. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen to reason." Clark told the other heads of the infamous Justice League.

"Do you think we should reconsider helping him?" Barry asked seriously.

"We should not interfere any further. Superman almost got killed yesterday thanks to our help." The Amazonian Princess shared her thoughts.

"But Bruce is our friend."

"You don't think I know that? He has helped us plenty over the years, that's true but the Justice League is supposed to make the would a better place. Do you think making one single man happy going to help the world?" Diana argued making the speedster roll him eyes.

"Has anyone notice how different Bruce, no Batman is acting now?" Clark interpreted by putting in his own thought.

"Out of all the years I have worked by his side, I have never seen him act like this. Act so irresponsibly, so recklessly, he runs into fights without a plan, and the other day I saw him fall at least 9 meters with my x-ray vision. It looked like he wasn't even trying."

"He has also been keeping secrets from us. Even more than usual." Barry recalled what Wally told him. "Did you know that Dick killed the Joker, he even sent the head to Bat's along with a USB containing all of our secret industries, personal lives, all our medical history." People gasped in shock and eyes widened.

"How do you know?" Hal narrowed his eyes. If Bruce was trying to keep it a secret, why tell Barry?

"I didn't know until Wally woke up. He told me that Bruce informed him."

"Apparently the Junior League were the only ones he told."


"My guess is the same reason why he didn't ask us for help last night. The Bat prefers to work alone."

"Except for every other orphan he sees," Hal muttered under his breath. Clark elbowed him in the stomach.

"So what is our verdict?" The Martian asked waiting for all the commotion to stop.

"Raise your hand if you want to help Bruce and leave your hand down if you think we should leave him be."

Some hands were raised, others were left down.

"The winner goes to the majority unless someone want's to change their mind," Clark stated after counting all the votes. No one changed their mind.

"Okay, the decision is final. We are all dismissed."


[Mount Justice]

[September 9, 202X 12:25 EST]

"The Titans?" Wally's eyes shot opened. Boy, he hasn't heard that name in years.

"Who are these Titan's." M'ggan asked not knowing Connor and Wally's affiliation with them.

"The Teen Titan's are a group of young heroes similar to ours. But instead of working under the JL, the are more like vignettes led by Tim." Connor explained. "Remember the year I said I needed a break, well I met up with Tim by coincidence and he invited me to join. I did and then I left and came back here."

"So these Titan's, how do we get in contact with them?" Roy asked. He remembered the other Roy mentioning something about these Teen Titan's before.

"I might be able to help you with that." Recognized Batman 02.

"Batman." Everybody said shocked to see the bat of Gotham enter in almost complete unison.

Everyone noticed that Bruce was in a Batsuit but this one was different. It looked like this Bat suit was heavily armoured compared to the one he usually fights crime in.

"Tim is cocky and he won't think to ask the Titan's for help. We have to get there quick, though, the longer we wait the longer the previous Robins have to run."

"Where is their HQ?" Artemis asks. Bruce went over to the Zeta Beems and changed the coordinates.

"We are going to California."

Word stamp: 1074 words

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