Chapter 8

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[??? 201X, ???]

"Wake up, meal time brat." Bane said with a devilish smirk. He was holding a tray in his right hand. On the tray was Dick's meal. It consisted of a small loaf of stale bread, a glass of water, and potato soup.

Bane purposely dropped the tray onto the starving boys lap. "Oops, sorry, guess you will have to eat that."

Dick hiss at the pain of the boiling hot soup. Luckily after Bane left Slade would walk in and feed the young boy properly.

Slade would always manage to sneak in stuff like burgers, bananas, and sometimes if Dick got lucky he would bring a cookie.

But even though he had food in his stomach his body was cramped into a small cement cell that had no windows or bars he could peak through. He was forced to sleep on the stone cold floor every night.

There was no way for him to ever know the time of the outside world.

His schedule was basic.

Train with Slade.



Bane would only allow him to take a shower once a week so he wouldn't have fleas infesting his body, 2 bathroom breaks a day with a guard accompanying him, and he was allowed to brush his teeth once a day because after the first month Bane couldn't stand the smell of his bad breath whenever he cried out for help.

This was slowly driving Dick insane. Sometimes he would even act out on purpose to get punished so he could break the routine.

According to the last time Slade informed him of the outside world, he had been in here for nearly 3 years. Which gave him a lot of time to think.

A lot of time.


[Gotham City]

[September 8th 202X, 15:21 EST]

Jason's POV

Where the fuck is that Dick! I've been waiting here for over an hour waiting for that bastard to show up. I can't believe I let my guard down and trusted him.

I could probably go toe to toe with Bruce, but what he brings back up?

The burn phone Grayson gave me started to vibrate in my pocket. About fucking time!

'Sorry that I'm late, something came up so I promise I'll be there in 10 minutes. For the time being I got you a playmate be nice. He's on our side. I explained the whole Bruce Wayne assassination cock block thing to him already so don't kill each other.' As I finished reading the text I pulled out my gun and shot it towards the strange presence that was trying to sneak up behind me.

"Grayson, that sneaky little bitch." The man in the black and orange mask muttered while managing to dodge the bullet. "Let me take a guess. Robin number 2?"

"How did you know?" I yelled at him.

"Well, you are nearly as skilled as your brother. But not quite. Also, you just told me. Not as bright as him either, such a shame. I thought I found a suitable sparring partner." The guy said smugly. How dare he.

"I challenge you to a hand-to-hand combat. I show you whose skilled. 'Might not have the same fighting style he has but let's just say I don't play as clean." I challenged him throwing my gun on the ground.

"I promised Grayson I wouldn't kill you but he never mentioned anything about kicking your sorry ass." He said also throwing down his guns and two katanas.

I swung my fist at him and he dodged it like he wasn't even trying.

"Is that the best you got?" He teased. I swear to lord I'm gonna beat the shit out of this guy.

He went in for a kick but I grabbed his leg then twisted it. I flipped him onto his back. Once he was on the ground I jumped on his chest, hard.

That's going to hurt in the morning.

"I told you guys specifically NOT to fight." I looked up to see Grayson riding in on his motorcycle towards us. Here we go with the nagging. I got pushed off by Deathstroke causing me to land on my side.

Dick jumped off his bike and reached out his hand in front of my face gesturing that he wanted to help me up. I smacked it away and gave him a glare under my mask.

"What took you so I long?" I asked while getting back up and dusting myself off. This was a new jacket.

"Well someone had to send an invitation to Bruce." He explained. Then my eyes averted to the mercenary.

"What about him." I emphasised.

"Well him is back up. Listen Jay, if we want to guarantee a victory we need him. Plus I'm 99 percent sure that Tim is coming as well. No matter what Bruce tells him to do. I mean who wouldn't want to meet the original Robin." He said making me grit my teeth.

"Oh great a family reunion. I'm guessing Alfred is going to make a nice home cooked meal as well. Then Bruce will tuck us into bed then go fuck a 2 dollar prostitute he found on the streets. Maybe he'll get lucky and run into an orphan instead." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, Am I cock blocking you from your boyfriend." He retorted.

"You're the one to talk." I pushed him back.

"Are you done ladies because I don't know about you but I like when I have a plan when I'm fighting." A deep voice interrupted our little spat.

"Fine, but once Bruce and the pipsqueak are gone, I guarantee that this will be the last time you see me." I warned him.


[Gotham City]

[September 8th 202X, 14:32 EST]

Third Person

'You are invited to witness the death of Batman tonight at 19:00 at the old circus grounds.'

Bruce glared at the text. It was sent by a burner phone so there was no way of tracking the phone. Every Leauge member was searching for Dick and Jason. Superman and Flash were checking every city in America while the rest of them searched in the neighboring cities.

Bruce knew he had to do this alone.

Would he get his sons back or would he have to fight them?

Word count: 1049 words

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