Chapter 34.5

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Here is the current plot of Act 2 since this is more than Dick's story now

-Jason got sent to Arkham because he murdered a bunch and I mean 100's of criminals than he got lucky with his latest escape. He asked to be transferred and he did but in the middle of the transfer a group of half human half animals broke him out. They told him their boss wanted him. He tried to make an escape but failed. He was getting choked then Bruce intervened.

-The YJL has been disbanded. When Wally comes home after a day of school he finds Roy in his apartment kitchen eating a grilled cheese. Roy tells Wally Dick is alive and they go looking for him in England. Roy gets confronted by Wally when Wally finds out he is using heroin again because the death of Lian.

-Tim wakes up from his 8-month coma after Kon kisses him on the lips. Kon tells Tim about everything that's happened during his coma.

-After Dick killed himself in front of Bruce's eyes, Tim slipping into a coma, and killing Harley, he decides he needed to train again and travels around the world. He comes back to Gotham. His first stop was to visit Tim then he stopped by Arkham in his Batman costume to see Jason. Jason is transferred right after poisoning almost every inmate in Arkham and Batman gets a call. Bruce visits  the Watchtower to let everyone know he was still well and alive then goes to save Jason's ass.

-Slade is doing the same thing as Jason but much smarter

-After killing himself, Roy gives Dick a new life in England. He puts down the Renegade name and took on a pnew persona and started to fight crime as Nightwing. He suffers from PTSD and severe desperation most days. One night he is recruited by Agent 1 from the Spyral organization who knows that he is Dick Grayson. He is sort of forced to go with Agent one AKA Tiger to Spyral HQ where he takes on another new persona as Agent 37.  


How am I going to pace this story?

Well, as you can see I am alternating trying to get everyone screen time. Act 2 focuses mainly on Jason, Roy and Wally, and Dick. Slade has been such a big part in Dick's life in my fic but I want Dick to learn how to deal with things on his own since he can't really contact Roy or Alfred now.

I wanted Jason to follow the comics more. He has been broken to nearly the same extent as Dick but I wanted his reaction to be different. Instead of having a mental crisis like Dick, he vents his trauma with trying to rid the world of evil by eliminating it completely but starts to go slowly insane. Am I going to give original Roy a bigger part? Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

Since this is still birdflash I can't really write off Wally like that so I paired him with Roy. I wanted them to have a bigger plot than them chasing Dick so I remembered Roy's drug addiction and made that the other plot.

Bruce is still a big part in the story. He wants to make amends with Jason but he doesn't really have emotions so that's going to be hard.

Tim and Kon have a thing going. Tim thinks Dick's death is very fishy.... FORESHADOWING!

I am tempted to make Tiger and Dick- .....

So if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Hope you are enjoying this story.

There will be and Act 3....

There will be and Act 3

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