Chapter 15

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[Teen Titans HQ]

[September 9, 202X 12:56 EST]

Bruce's POV

I have lied about many things in life. Kept secrets to myself, and broke people's trust. But it was for the best.

For example, the other day when I told Wally that I told the League about the USB I was lying through my teeth. He was the only one I told. It was so no one would panic or freak, but that backfired but I did need some help find clues.

Who knew it would lead to this mess.

My grave will be littered with regret and secrets the day I die.

But I'm okay with that. I am okay with carrying all of the burden if that means keeping those who I find dear to me safe.

Once we all arrived we were just in time to see why the were called the Teen Titans.

"Give it back! I called dibs on it."

"Too bad so sad. It's my pizza now Gar- HEY!"

"You snooze you loose robot."

"Bring it, little man. I am all lock and loaded."

"Ugh. I am TRYING to FOCUS."

"Calm down friends. We will order some more of the pizza."

"That is not the point Star, we have to respect the rules of dibs."

"What are these rules of the dibs?"

I sigh in disappointment shaking my head.

"OH MY GOSH IT'S BATMAN! I am fanboying so hard right now." The green kid says running up to me. "Can I please have an autograph Mr.Bat." He says ignoring the rest of the team that stood behind me.

"Beast Boy right?" I asked. Tim had told me about the Titans and how they acted so I had a clear idea of who everyone was. The boy looked at me with the biggest smile.

"Walls!" Another kid yelled excitedly. I am going to guess that is the new Kid Flash. He jumped on Wally with open arms tackling him on the ground.

"Hey S man! Why didn't you tell us you were coming? Arsenal, you're here too? You have been missing for over a year." The Cyborg said walking up to us.

"Sorry, you got the wrong Roy Harper. Long story." He corrected him.

"Well come on in." Cyborg said. Beast Boy looked like he was still in a trance.

We went to sit in the den while Super Boy and the rest of the Titans caught up with him.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm M'ggan." She said with a smile.

"Aqua Lad."

"Red Arrow."


"I'm Cyborg."

"Beast Boy."

"Star Fire."

"Wonder Girl."

"Bart. Or the new Kid Flash. Impulse? Call me whatever you want."


"Now that we have introduced ourselves may I ask what you are doing here." The space princess asks.

"We need some help." Super Boy starts off. "I am pretty sure you are aware of who the first Robin and the second Robin are."

"I heard they died." Raven adds in. Connor explains what happened during the mission and how Dick got kidnapped. I explained what the Joker did to Jason and what happened the other night.

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