Chapter 19

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YJL fluff and Birdflash :)

[Mount Justice]

[March 21 201X, 13:00 EST]

"Shh, he's almost here. Everyone, get in your spots." M'ggan ordered quietly while turning off the lights. Everyone split up and started hiding under tables, behind couches, in the kitchen, waiting to surprise the man of the hour.

"Why the hell is it so dark in here? Maybe this is what the infamous Batcave is like." Connor said looking for the light switch. "There we go-"

"SURPRISE! Happy birthday!" Everyone shouted at once jumping out of their hiding spots greeting the half-Kryptonian but nearly giving the poor boy a heart attack.

Today was the day was the day Dick, Wally, and Kaldur rescued Connor from Cadmus.

M'ggan ran over to the boy and put one of those cone-shaped birthday hats on him. She tippy-toed up and gave him a light peck on the side of his left cheek then the man of steel stepped up.

"Happy birthday Connor." Clark said awkwardly to his 'son'.

"Superman." Connor response sounding just as awkward. There was a long pause of silence.

"Well, this is awkward." Wally says rubbing the back of his head breaking the ice. "We should go dig into the awesome cake that M'ggan made!"

The group of hero's nodded. They all headed for the kitchen where Artemis pulls out a huge rectangular cake from the refrigerator. There was a message written with frosting on top of the cake that said 'Happy 1st birthday Connor'.

"I have the candle and lighter right here." Dick said holding the two objects in his hand. He passed them to M'ggan.

"Wait, Red Tornado, do you mind videotaping this?" Wally asked pulling his smartphone out of his pocket.

"Not at all. I'm going to countdown now. 3, 2, 1."

The camera was filming the team singing happy birthday to their dear confused friend, Connor just went along with it since it seemed like they were all happy, especially Wally. He was eyeing the cake like it was his pray until Artemis smacked him on the back of his head.

"Make a wish!" Dick and M'ggan said in unison. Connor took a moment to think of want he really wanted.

'I wish no harm will come to those I call my friends' and with that he blew out the candle shaped like a one. The team applauded.

"Who wants cake?" The martian asked grabbing a kitchen knife from one of the drawers. Wally raised his so fast he created a small gust of wind.

"Probably the second fastest thing he can raise up." Dick said smugly making Artemis break out into laughter. Kaldur lets a small smirk get past his stoic behavior. Clark let the child side of him let out a giggle. He has been around Barry too long.

"What is that supposed to mean." The speedster glared.

"Oh you know what it means." Dick says pushing a few more buttons.

"I don't think I like your insinuation. I see working with the big bad bat hasn't messed up your 12-year-old sense of humor."

"I do not understand this joke. Is this what you call in inside joke?" M'ggan asked raising an eyebrow. Connor and Red Tornado had the same unsure look on their faces, or in Red's, case a mask.

"Batman would be so disappointed in you." Wally said dramatically shaking his head.

"Okay let's just eat the cake." Artemis says finally calming down. Once the whole cake had been devoured by the hungry teenagers, then they moved onto presents.

Nobody really knew what he liked and disliked so they all pitched in and got him his own motorcycle.

After that decided to put on a Disney movie. They couldn't decide between Mulan or Toy Story so Clark settled it by putting on his favorite childhood Pokemon movie. They went through at least 4 other Pokemon movies and 3 boxes of tissues.

One by one the teens started to drift off to sleep on the couches, at that point Clark got called back to the Watchtower and Red Tornado was up in his room.

"Psst Dick, are you awake?" Wally whispered making sure to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake everyone else up.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure." Dick agreed not knowing what his best friend wanted to talk about. Wally and Dick got up and walked outside of the headquarters.

The moon was shining brightly into the blue ocean and the tides were gracefully moving back and forth. It had to be at least 2 in the morning.

"What did you want to tell me Wall's?" Wally started to feel butterflies form in his stomach.

"Um.. uh..."

"Spit it out. Use English."

Wally took in an extremely deep breath in and was starting to weird out Dick. 'I just have to say a few words right? I mean what's the worst that can happen?'


"Slow down so I can understand you."

"I have had a really big crush on you for nearly two years and I just wanted to let you know that I liked you please don't kill me or have Batman kill me your hair smells really nice." He repeated.

Dick didn't know what to say or how to respond. He thought Wally was into Artemis and for some strange reason, he was relieved he wasn't.


"Don't say it. Forget this ever happened, or I'll be forced to run so fast I change time and create a paradox where Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war and end up destroying half the world."


"It was just an idea. But seriously I want us to still be friends, you mean so much to me, Rob, I wouldn't know what to if you ever left me." Wally pleaded with tears forming in his eyes.

"I thought you wanted to be more than friends with me, though?" Dick said stepping closer to the older boy wiping the tear that fell down his face away.

"What are you saying, Rob?"

"Wally West, will you go out on a date with me?"

Word count 1021 words

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