Chapter 41

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[Star City]

[June 11 202X, 15:09 PST]

Roy rolls around on his bed sweating bullets. When he thinks Wally is looking away he rolls over to his bedside drawer to look for some pain killers. Roy manages to find the orange bottle but as he tries to open the cap but the bottle suddenly disappears from his hands. "You are really underestimating this super speed thing, Roy."

"Just give me- one." Roy practical begs. Wally shakes his head.

"How about no. I've already confiscated every bottle of liquor and all drugs that I found in your house, prescription or not." Wally says after snatching the pills away. He puts down his tablet and sits beside his miserable friend to keep an even closer eye on him.

"There prescription for a reason."

"The only thing that I'm letting you take are those sour Flintstone vitamin gummies."

"Don't you have a school to go too." Roy gritted his teeth trying to control the pain.

"It's university, not kindergarten. You don't have to get mommy and daddy to call in sick for you. I just went to the office and informed them that I had a family emergency." Wally explained.

Roy continues to groan in pain as Wally continues trying to beat his high score on piano tiles. "Withdrawals are a bitch." Roy whines.

"Not my problem." Wally shrugs. His fingers accidentally hits the white square and he screams in frustration. So close he said to himself. He got his composure back and looked at Roy again.

Wally remembers Roy's first-time withdrawals. Nearly killed himself cause he could take it. "Roy, you do know I'm going to have to call Green Ar-"

"Anyone but him. I rather have you call Batman." Roy says angrily. "I don't really have anyone I can count on Wally. You have Flash and your parents not to mention- the team. Even the original me has someone."

"That's because you don't let anyone in. Whenever someone shows even a shred kindness to you Roy, you shut them out."

Roy takes Wally's words to heart and thinks of the one person who he considers family. She has always been there for him and will continue to have his back no matter what. "Call Canary."

"She's gonna kick your ass." Wally brings up.

"Well maybe I deserve is." Roy groans. "Now call her."

Wally takes his phone out and asks Roy what her number is. He dials her and she picks up the line right away.

"Who is this?"

"Hello, it's Wally. I'm calling about Roy. He is in trouble-ish." Wally adds. He wants Roy to explain to her what happened.

"What happened? Is he okay? Where are you? Do I need to call Oliver?" Dinah keeps on firing questions at Wally.

"He isn't dying, I mean he says he is but, and DO NOT call Oliver. We are at his house." Wally tells her.

"I'll be there in a half in hour,"  Dinah says before hanging up.

"If you guys didn't look totally different and didn't only have a 10 year age gap I would have thought she was your mother. She said she will be here in half an hour." Wally informs Roy.

"It's actually 8 years." Roy corrects Wally.

"She still doesn't look a day over 20."

"None of us do. Maybe being a hero gives us some type of anti ageing power." Roy jokes.

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