Chapter 37

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[Gotham Hospital]

[June 8 202X, 19:49 EST]

Tim's POV

"What's your full name?" The doctor said shining a beam of light into my eyes.

"Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne," I answer him trying to not blink.

"What year is it?"


"How old are you?"


"Do you remember who your parents are?"

"Jack and Janet Drake, and Bruce Wayne."

"You seem to be perfectly fine. I suggest a week of lots of rest and you'll be as good as new." The doctor instructed me turning her little flashlight off.

"Thanks, Doc." 

"Do you have a guardian to sign you out?" 

"Can I borrow a phone?"

"Sure just walk out to the front desk and ask. Have a nice day." She smiles at me then leaves the room.

"Kon, can you tose me my clothes?" I ask. He walks over to the end of my bed and throws them to me. "Thanks."

"No problem." He says. I take off the yucky uncomfortable teal hospital gown as fast as I can and change into a pair of comfortable jeans and a plain white shirt. 

"Don't you have to go home, Kon?" I look over to see him patiently waiting for me.

"Not really. I used to stay at the mountain but since the team disbanded I sort of just crashed here." He shrugs. "Clark offered to take me in though, but I would have to move to Metropolis and I didn't want to really leave your side. Not until you woke up."

"So if I didn't wake up?" 

"Then I would have just gone to Wally's." 

"So what now?" 

"I don't really know." Kon frowns. "Since your awake, I could move in with Clark. I don't really want to burden him, though."

"I might have an idea." I optimistically put out.

"What is it?"

"You can stay at Wayne Manor," I suggest making Kon look queasy.


"Come on man, over the years Bruce has had 6 kids live with him including me and Damian and I'm sure we have more than enough room," I try and convince him. "He might seem like- Batman but he's actually a really good person underneath all that black latex."

"I don't know..." He says sceptically.

"Kon, you are my best friend. And even though Bruce hates to admit it, Clark is his best friend and sort of your dad. I am sure everything will be alright." I reassure him.

"Best friend, huh," Kon mumbled with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah. Brains and bronze." I smiled at him. "Now let's get out of here."

"Yeah, you seriously need a shower." Kon commented. I playfully punch him on his arm.

I start walking over to the open window taking in a fresh breath of airm "What are you doing Tim?"

"I'm leaving."

"Out of a window?"

"It's a bat thing." I shrug. "And you have the abilty to fly so I don't see the problem."

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