Chapter 25

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[Wayne Manor]

[September 10 202X, 12:38 EST]

Alfred was anxiously sitting by the window reading the daily newspaper with a cup of tea.

By now Tim would have called Alfred or Bruce to do a report but it was almost one in the afternoon with no sign of him.

Unlike Bruce, Alfred had learned his lesson and has learned not to take any chances anymore with these children. It was time to call Bruce so history wouldn't repeat itself.

Just as he got up to fetch Bruce, the phone started to ring. Alfred ran hoping it was Tim.

"Alfred." A sobbing voice cried from the other end of the line. Alfred couldn't clearly make out the voice.

"How may I help you, sir?"


[Ra's Al Ghul's Island]

[September 10 202X, 11:26 EST]

After both boats had reached the shore, Ra's brought the body into the room that housed the Lazarus pit. He placed him in the pool if green chemicals.

"We leave Dick here in the pool for a while. I will inform you when he is revived. Talia, tell the cooks to prepare lunch."

"Yes, father. If you boys will follow me." She said gesturing everyone but Ra's out. She took them to the kitchen. "Does anyone want anything to drink?"

"If you have something strong enough to make me forget everything that has happened these past 3 years," Jason says rubbing his hands on his face.

"If I had a drink like that it would be gone by now. Plus your 15."


"Don't tell me you drink to Jason." Bruce sighs in disappointment.

Jason cocks a grin then takes out his pack of cigarettes and slides them across the table right towards Bruce. "Not the only thing I smoke."

"Someone has daddy issues." Wally coughs.

"Just issues. Everyone has issues. I bet you have a fare share of your own."

"Jason, Wally, I will have a private conversation with each of you later." Bruce looked over to Talia. "And I need to talk to you about Damian."

"Will I get a say in anything?" Damian pouted.

"This is grown-up talk." Talia said placing a hand on Damian's shoulder.

"I want to try living with father." Damian blurts out. Bruce and Talia give each other a look.

"If you are okay with it I am. I have more than enough more to let him live with me." Bruce says. Talia raises an eyebrow.

"No offence but Jason does have a point. Living with Batman isn't the best way to keep someone safe." Talia brings up.

"I am more than capable of taking care of myself mother."

"Fine. He can live with you. For now."

"And what about Deathstroke?"

"He should be-"

"Here right now." Deathstroke walks into room and boy does he looked pissed. "Someone better start talking or I start shooting."

"Dick shot himself in the head. I told Miss Martian to read his mind." Wally stands up. "He is in the Lazarus Pit with Ra's."

"Wally West. I know you. Dick has told me about you. Best friend of his isn't cha. Well if you are the reason Dick died- no I will deal with you later, it's his head I want sitting on my mantel." Slade pointed a gun at Bruce who pulled out his bat-a-rangs.

"No. You boys are not and I repeat are NOT fighting in the dining room. I just had this place refurnished I swear I will end you if anything is to be damaged." Talia said shooing Bruce and Slade out of the room.

Bruce's phone starts ringing. It was Alfred.

"Sir, I am worried about master Drake. He hasn't contacted me at all today. This has never happened before. I fear he might be in trouble. I can feel that something terrible is going to happen." Alfred says frantically.

"I am sure he is fine. I am in this middle of something right now. Call me back late-"

"NO BRUCE! Haven't you learned from before, even if this isn't anything I refuse to take even a 0.1 percent chance when it comes to these children! If you don't hurry back I will go off and search for him myself."

"Fine. Send a helicopter to fetch me at Ra's Al Ghul's island."



[September 10 202X 08:15 EST]


The two of them hid in the cleaning room while waiting for everyone else to clear out.

"Are they gone yet?"

The other boy opened the door slightly to see if the coast was clear. "I think so. I think we should wait here for another minute to be safe."

After the minute was over the two boys ran to the secret escape pod that only Bruce knew of without getting caught. They got into the pod and reset the coordinates so they would end up in London UK.

"You okay Dick?" Roy asks.

"Well I did just die so excuse me if I don't feel over the moon." Dick sighs taking a bottle over water out of the backpack. He takes a sip then puts it back.

"Dick Grayson just died. You are now Nick Robert Sterling. Born on November 17th, 2004 in Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, you lost your parents in a fire and that's why there are no old pictures of you. You have lived with your aunt Kennady and uncle Harris for the last 3 years. You used to go to Killarney Secondary school and used to help your uncle work at his gym but it closed down 3 years ago, he now owns a sandwich store and your aunt teaches self-defence and is ex-military. The rest of your life as Nick Sterling is in this duffle bag along with passports, legal documents, and a birth certificate. I have handled everything else out and I think the of 4 million dollars should hold you out for a while but you should probably get a part time job to look like a normal teen." Roy says throwing the duffle bag at him.

"Thanks, buddy. I am kind of impressed with how you were able to forge so many legit looking documents. You even got my 'parents' death certificate." Dick whisles at the legitimacy of everything.

"When you are involved with the Jade you get to know people." Roy smirks. "Are you gonna continue with the whole mercenary thing?"

"If I have to I will but I've been thinking if I should go back to being a hero."

"'Ya thought of a name?"

"I remember a story that Superman read to me when I was still a little kid. How does Nightwing sound?"

Word count: 1104 words

AN: And you guys thought I killed Dick off. I have little hints along the way. Shazam over hearing someone in the vents and Dick calling Roy about a secrete project.

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