Chapter 24

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AN: I updated the description so it fit the story better because, in the beginning, I had a different image of where this story was going. It doesn't really matter if you read it or not, I just wanted to let you guys know. Now back to your semi-regularly scheduled program.

Enjoy :)

[Santa Cruz, California]

[June 29 202X, 16:10 EST]

"Good to be back in America ain't it Slade?" Dick asked stretching his arms out. They had been on a plane from Belgium for the last few hours so they were both exhausted. The pair were now picking up their luggage at baggage claim now.

Slade specially ordered 4 different sets of realistic looking contacts so that Dick wouldn't be recognized. It also helped to his was in normal street clothes and not his uniform.

"Are you hungry? Because I'm famished." Slade asked looking over at Dick.

"I am always hungry- wait, shit! That was my bag." Dick said running to try and catch up his with runaway luggage. Slade smiled.

Slade had thought of Dick like a do-over since he messed up so badly with his actual children. He got Dick medicine to help with his depression and he even made Dick take online schooling so he would have an education to some degree.

Dick came back with a blue suitcase and a black duffle bag. "I see you have your things already. Hey Slade, are we staying for July 4th?"

"I don't see why we can't. The only job we have booked this week is only an hour away from the city." Slade could see the big smile painted across Dick's face.

"Now about dinner..."

"I was thinking we would go out for hot dogs then afterwards, we could go see Fast And Furious 10 ." Slade smirked pulling out 2 tickets from his back pocket.

"Oh my gosh! You are the best da- Slade." He coughed awkwardly.

"Dick, I really do think of you as my son." Slade says putting his hand on the teen's shoulder. "Now let's go I am starving." Dick nodded his head.


[Santa Cruz, Safehouse #32]

[June 29 202X, 23:31 EST]

After all of the evening festivities, Slade brought Dick to his safehouse in LA which was just a fancy beach house. Dick thought about how many safehouse he must have. He probably has one or two in every state and a few in places be frequents the most. He must be loaded too if one job pays 50 grand to a 100 grand on average.

"Can I go out on the beach for a while. I just need some time to breath ya' know." Dick asked Slade.

"Sure. As long as you can find your way back. I am going to sleep, I hate taking the commercial plane since I can never fall asleep with all of the babies crying and that one guy who reeks and you can smell him from 5 seats away." Slade complains.

"Try living on a train with literal clowns on board." Dick says making the old man roll his eyes. Dick went out through the backdoor. Once he got outside a cool gust of air hit his face. The moon was shining down onto the water. Just like that night with Wally.

"How I miss that idiot." He let out a sigh reminiscing on that precious memory. Once he walked far enough down the beach he pulled out a burn phone from his pocket that he had got without Slade's knowledge. He dialed the only person he could.

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