Chapter 18

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AN: First seven paragraphs are song verses from Heathens by Twenty One Pilots. You can skip it if you want. Song is up above.

[Venice, Italy]

[March 18 202X, 11:29 EST]

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make any sudden moves. You don't know the half of the abused. All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make any sudden moves. You don't know the half of the abused."

"Welcome to the room of people. Who have rooms of people that they loved one day. Docked away. Just because we check the guns at the door. Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades. You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you. You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you. You'll think how'd I get here sitting next to you? But after all I've said, please don't forget."

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make any sudden moves. You don't know the half of the abused."

"We don't deal with outsiders very well. They say newcomers have a certain smell. You have trust issues, not to mention. They say they can smell your intentions. You'll never know the freakshow sitting next to you. You'll have some weird people sitting next to you. You'll think "How'd I get here", sitting next to you. But after all I've said, please don't forget."

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make any sudden moves. You don't know the half of the abused."

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know.

"Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed I tried to warn you just to stay away. And now they're outside ready to bust It looks like you might be one of us."

"Turn your music down Dick. Some people are trying to sleep." Slade yelled from his room.

The week before the two of them had been hired to take out a mafia group. They were one of the bigger fish in the pond so Dick and Slade were just completely worn out.

They were staying in one of Slades safe houses right now.

"Sorry." Dick yelled back as he plugged his earbuds into the phone that Slade had bought him recently. He rolled off of his bed and headed down to the kitchen to make lunch.

The duo had been doing jobs all over Europe for the past month. From stealing jewels in Paris, to burning down buildings in Stockholm. They were having an adventure to say the least. But it was still better than being stuck in Gotham fighting the same old bad guys.





What a joke they were to Dick now.

But there was one person who he was serious about.


He had killed his younger brother. But then again it was Bruce's fault too. He was supposed to take care of Jason so he wouldn't end up having the same fate as Dick did. The thought of that got Dick enraged.

He was going to make sure Bruce would never hurt any kid, anyone, ever again.

And to make that happen, he would have to get his attention somehow.



[Ra's Al Ghul Island]

[September 10 202X, 05:17 EST]

"Are you ready to leave yet?" Slade asked. Dick threw the last of his little toys is the duffel bag that Talia had supplied them with.

The bags contain things like smoke bombs, the last of Joker's dangerous laughing gas, Scarecrow's fear gas to counter act it just in case and a gas mask, Dick's trusty old escrima sticks, 20k in cash, taser guns, Kryptonite, throwing knives, first aid kit, ammo, and lots, and lots of guns.

Glocks, assault riffles, pistols, it was like Christmas for Jason.

"Yeah I'm set." Dick answered slinging the heavy duffle over his muscular shoulders.

"That looks heavy, you want me to carry that for you?" Damian offered sounding as cocky as ever. He was wearing a tight black long sleeve workout shirt that had a hood to cover the top of his head, a pair of grey sweat pants, and some old sneakers. He also took a page out of his father's book and had a utility belt wrapped around his hips.

He's 9 and has a gun Dick didn't question him though. He hated the kid's sass.

"This thing weighs at least two times more than you do kid." Dick says passing him ruffling his hair.

"Come brat let's go." Slade threw the young Wayne over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down you foggie! Mother!" He called out kicking and hitting trying to get out of the mercenary's grip.

"Calling for your mommy already? The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree." Jason mumbled the comment under his breath.

Talia was waiting in the speed boat for the everyone else. They had to take nine boats.

On the first boat was Dick, Talia, and Ra's, on the second one was Damian, Slade, and Jason. The rest of the boats were for Ra's assassins.

Dick hoped that the second boat wouldn't sink but Talia reassured him. He was still weary since it was her that chose these groups. Maybe she was sadistic?

Dick's plan was nearly flawless.

He had called his inside man to give him the blueprints to the watchtower the night before.

He ran over the plan with everybody all night. But everyone here was used to being sleep deprived so it was just another all nighter for them.

The only thing he couldn't account for were the Teen Titans. He didn't know if they were only there to help look for Dick and Jason then get paid or something or were in it to capture them. But there were two things that Batman and his team couldn't predict for either.

Ra's army and Bruce's son.

Word count: 1041 words

AN: OMG I AM IM LOVE WITH THIS SONG AND IT'S ONLY BEEN A DAY. This is also going to be in Suicide Squad XD

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