Chapter 23

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[September 10 202X, 08:26 EST]

The sound of the gunshot echoed throughout the Watchtower as well a strange feeling. Everyone could feel a ping of sadness in their hearts.

Wally had a feeling something was wrong, nobody on the League or the Jr.League used any guns as far as knew.

He ran as fast as he could to the sound of where the gunshot came from. When he got to the entrance a dark look of horror took over his face.

Bruce had taken off his mask, tears were dripping down his face as he was hugging the dead corpse. Dick's dead corpse.

Blood was spattered across the metal walls and floor like a crappy painting. Bruce's face, hands, and bat suit was stained with the blood of his son.

Then there was Dick.

The left side of the raven haired boy's skull was shattered by the bullet. Blood continued to pour onto the floor endlessly.

Wally fell on his knees then began crying. This was his fault he kept on think, why did he saying to himself, reading his mind was his idea, it was his fault.

Everyone else rushed to the sound of the gunshot as well. They stopped whatever fight they were in and rushed over to the scene not knowing if Dick had killed Batman.

Imagine the shock they had when they saw that Dick had killed himself instead.

"This is my fault." M'ggan cried blaming herself.

"No, it's not. It's mine I told you to do it." Wally cut in placing the blame on him.

"It's none of your faults. This is my fault. Everything that has happened to up until now has been my entire fault." Guilt starts to consume Bruce.

Jason stopped himself from crying, he had to stay strong. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into a fist so hard that his knuckles started to turn white. He ran up to Bruce then began beating him up in a fit of rage. Bruce knew he deserved this and let Jason vent his anger out onto him.

"Why must you hurt all of us! You are right, EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT." Jason yelled punching Bruce so hard he started to bleed. "How could let Dick die! After all these years you still haven't learned anything. Next thing we know Tim is going to be kidnapped by a psychopath because they hold a vendetta against you! Does that story ring any bells? Last time I heard Barbara was in a fucking wheelchair because of the Joker who may I remind you, killed me."

"Jason! Stop! You are going to kill father!" Damian ran up to the older boy and tried to stop him. When Damian took a look at Jason's face he saw a look of pure hatred.

The small boy was able to push Jason off of Bruce and Kon-el gripped Jason's wrist so tight he couldn't move them.

"This piece of scum deserves it!" He shouted while trying to break free from Kon's grasp.

"Oh my gosh..." A new party said sounding shocked.

It was Arsenal.

"JASON PETER TODD, WHAT IN THE LITERAL HELL IS GOING ON HERE YOU CRAZY PRICK. Someone better explain to me why I got a call from the Teen Titans out of all people telling me to stop my boyfriend has gone rogue and is trying murder Batman with the one and only Dick Grayson and Deathstroke, why Dick is dead now or how he even came back after 5 years, why Batman looks like he's about to die, why ninjas tried to kill me when I got to the Zeta-Tube, why you are being restrained by Connor and why you left me without so much as a damn warning. I was worried sick about Jason. That's it you are sleeping on the couch for the next century." Roy yelled.

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