Chapter 10

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[??? 201X, ???]

Today was the day. After 4 years of torture, Robin will finally escape his cage.


[Gotham City]

[September 8th 202X, 18:28 EST]

"Flash, get Superman to the Gotham hospital stat, ngg." Bruce ordered as more blood started to gush from his shoulder.

Barry nodded and pick up the man of steel running him to the nearest hospital.

"Woah there, where do you that you going?" Wonder Woman asked her teammate struggling to get up.

"I need to catch them. I've had worse. I can handle this. Alone."

"No, you can't." At least 7 people chimed in. Bruce scoffed.

"First of all your lucky Robin tagged you with you without you noticing. Second, have you looked at yourself yet? You are going to bleed out soon if you don't get bandaged up and it looks like both of your legs are broken." Oliver analyzed.

"Flash is calling." Hal informed everybody.

"I'm going to take you home." Tim insisted.

"The motorcycle is kinda blown up Robin." Bruce pointed to the remains of his bike with his uninjured arm. 

"Who said we were going to use the motorcycle. How do you think I got here Batman?" Tim smirked. He pulled out a set of keys then began twirling them around his index finger.

"You didn't."

"I'm driving."

"You're 15."

"You're dying."

"You drove the Batmobile without permission."

"I got Alfred's."

"I hate to interrupt your lover's quarrel but we have a problem." Hal abruptly said. "Flash said that the surgeons couldn't cut through Superman's flesh. It's regenerating too fast."

Bruce pulled out a green glowing rock from his utility belt.

"Use this to cut through the skin. Tell Flash to come back here ASAP and give this to him." He tossed the Kryptonite to Hal.

Oh shit, everything is fuzzy. Bruce tried to focus but he just couldn't. He started to wobble and see double.

"Batman?" Tim said in a confused voice as his mentor was unresponsive.


And that was the last thing Bruce heard before passing out.


[Gotham Hospital]

[September 9th 202X, 00:04 EST]

"The doctors said that both Bruce and Clark will fully recover. Clark is awake but Bruce looks like he's clinging on to life." Barry told Hal. They had volunteered to stay back while the other members went to search for Dick, Jason, Slade, and Wally.

Artemis told the League that she tried to get in contact with Wally when Bruce had found the fallen Robins, but he never picked up his phone. There was no way that the speedster wouldn't come running to his boyfriend.

"I can't believe that those two would do that to Bruce. He was their father." Hal commented.

"He's going to be fine." Barry comforted his teammate.

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