Chapter 12

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[??? 202X ??]

Dick had managed to get past the guards that surrounded his cell. He had been training for years now with Slade so this was a piece of cake for him.

Slade and Dick had formed a similar relationship to the one he had with Bruce, but it was different. With Bruce he felt, held back. But with Slade, he was free to do what he wanted. He came up with his own unique strategies, his own fighting style, and for the first time in his life, he didn't feel like he was Batman's shadow.

But that didn't mean he loved it here either. He still got beat, tortured, starved, and raped by Bane. But that was going to all change today. Slade was already with Bane.

After all these years Bane still had no idea that Slade had been training Dick to be his protege.

The week before they made the final tweaks to their plan.

The first part was that Dick had to escape from his room. Something that Slade had taught him to do. He snatched a pair of keys from of the guards without them noticing. Since there were only 2 guards in front of his cell is was easy to take them out quick.

Step two, Dick had to get seen by Bane with Slade standing beside him. Once Bane had seen Dick, Slade knew that Bane would be too cocky to go after a kid so he would tell Slade to get him. Of course, Slade stabbed Bane in the back and shot him in the head 3 times and in the heart 5 times.

Just for insurance.

Step three, by then all they had to was take down all of the guards till they got to the exit. This is where all of Dick's training came in handy. Bruce had never taught Dick to kill, but Slade did. By the time they reached the exit they had left a trail of dead bodies behind.

"Are you ready Dick?" Slade asked panting. Dick slowly nodded wiping off the sweat on his forehead. Slade handed him one of his katanas. Dick gulped and took the sharp blade into his hands.

He took one last deep breath then swung at the metal chains breaking them. All he had to do now is push the hatch open.

"Thank you for everything, Slade. I would have probably have taken my life during the first few months if it hadn't been for you. I look forward to our new life together."

Dick pushed the metal hatch with all of his strength. Then he saw it.

He saw sun light.


[Ra's Al Ghul's Island]

[September 9, 202X 10:00 EST]

The two brothers look at each other. Bruce had never mentioned anything about a son to either of.

"Does Bruce know?" Dick was the first one speak up.

"Nope. I might have drugged him." Talia smirked making the expression on two boys face turn from confused, to disgusted. Damian continued on with his training.

"There is a child right there." Dick pointed out.

"The child had ears Grayson." Damian muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. Jason let out a chuckle.

"Don't laugh. And who the hell only dyes the front part of their bangs white and leaves the rest black." Damian scoffs making Talia shake her head.

"The same guy who's going to show a brat how to respect others," Jason growled. Damian drew his sword out motioning Jason to come at him. "That's it. He asked for it. Grayson, hold my helmet."

"What! NO, Jason Todd you are not going to beat up the grandson of Ra's Al Ghul." Dick yelled in protest.

"Fine." He put his mask down on the wooden floors instead and charged for the young Wayne.

"Are you going to let this happen?" Dick asked Talia. She just shrugged.

"Clean up your mess after you're done kids. I'm going to eat breakfast, are you coming Dick?" Talia asked nonchalantly like she didn't even notice her 9 year old son sparing.

Dick turn his head back to Jason right in time to see him get thrown into the wall knocking down the paintings in the process. He let out a sigh and followed the brunette to join Slade for breakfast.

"Is that the best you got Todd?" Damian asked pointing the sword blade against Jason's neck.

"Not even close." Jason pulled out a gun which shocked Damian long enough to backhand him with it.

"That was dirty." The young Wayne accused Jason as he wiped the blood off his mouth.

"One thing you learn out in the world kid, nothing is fair."


[Mount Justice]

[September 9, 202X 12:17 EST]

"Wally!" M'ggan yelled in joy. She ran up to him and gave him a hug which felt more like she was trying to squeeze the life out of him.

"Did you find anything?" Kaldur asked. Wally shook his head. M'ggan let go and everyone took a seat in the Den.

M'ggan was sitting on the couch beside Connor.

Kaldur was sitting on the other couch with Artemis.

Roy was standing by himself looking like he was dazed.

"What's up with him?" Wally asked pointing at the older boy.

"The baby kept on screaming and crying last night. And your sister is doing God knows what, leaving me alone with the child." Roy answered scoffing at Artemis.

"Don't tell me you left your baby alone?" Artemis said raising her eyebrow.

"I left Lian with Oliver." He protested sounding offended.

"Where's the other Roy?" Connor questioned none of them had seen the original for a few months now.

"Last time I heard something came up and he had to leave town." Roy yawned.

Both Leagues had called separate meetings. The older generation of heroes were determined on taking down those three but the younger heroes wanted to save their friends.

"Did anyone find anything?" Wally brought the subject up. Everybody shook their heads.

"Is Robin working with them or us?" Wally asked again.

"He's on the League's side." Connor was the first one to respond sounding disappointed.

"We need a plan." Kaldur stated.

"We need more people. Look at us compared to the League." Artemis brought up.

Everyone nodded.

"Who could we get, though?"

"I might have an idea," Connor said raising his hands. "There are old friends of mine, they might a greeted to help."

"Who you have in mind?"

"The Teen Titans."

Word count: 1081 words

AN: Please read the next chapter to understand how this collaboration is going to work.

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