Chapter One

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"Welcome to 'The Lonely Rose' how may I help you?" Said the voice of a young girl working behind the cash register.

"Yeah gimme two of your famous 'forget me not's to go." Said a middle aged man as he started digging through his pockets for money.

"Alrighty then! Your total is 360 yen sir." She said as she started bagging up the blue flower shaped treats.

"Have a nice day!" she added as he walked out with the snacks. Today was a normal day for The Lonely Rose. A few customers now only because it was lunch time. But after that, oh boy. The bakery is usually full of customers asking for eclairs and doughnuts and the all time favorite; the forget me not. It seems the owner of the bakery was a big fan of flowers, which would explain why a lot of the treats have the names of flowers. 

"You ready for a break Hana?" said the cashier as she looked inside the kitchen. Hana looked at her for a moment before nodding and stretching her back; Her face, arms, and apron covered in flour.

Hana stood up, caramel eyes beaming with a smile forming on her rosy lips. She quickly washed her hands and face before letting her hair down from the bun it was in previously. Her wavy brown hair slid down to the middle of her back before she sighed and walked over to her friend Chiharu, the cashier, who already laid out some pork ramen  that was kept in the fridge.

"Lemme just heat it up and we'll be good to go." Said Chiharu as she walked over to the microwave that was in the break room. Hana preferred eating at one of the tables in case a customer came in.

This was Hana's daily routine: Wake up, bake, bake ,bake, eat, bake, bake, bake, take a break, and then bake until closing time. And she wouldn't have it any other way. Of course Daisuke and Akihiro came along and joined as helpers in the kitchen. The two males learned quickly and soon joined the Lonely Rose family. For Hana, life couldn't be better.


At the Kazekage building, Gaara was rubbing his forehead as Kankuro began whining about the last mission he was on.

"Look just next time please don't put me on the same team as Ayame. Sure she's pretty but that attitude only annoyed me throughout the whole mission! She keeps butting heads questioning who's the leader of the mission and-"

"Was the mission a success Kankuro?" Gaara asked, an anime vein popping opposite of where his kanji symbol for love stood.

"Well yeah but-"

"Then that's all I care about. You're dismissed." he said indifferently. Kankuro only hung his head low in defeat before leaving.

Gaara looked toward his window to see his people outside;  there were children laughing and playing while kicking a ball, subtly reminding him of when he was a child and people feared him. Now everyone looks up to him. He is now their ruler and protector. And he should be happy, but for some reason he still has a part of him that feels alone. While he's glad no one sees him as a monster anymore, now they only see him as Kazekage. Only his siblings see him as Gaara, the shy, introverted loser who can't make small talk to save his life. Then again maybe that's why he chose not to have friends. He sighed before looking at a young couple holding hands, the young boy lifting the girl up in the air and twirling her around. The girls giggles when he sets her down and she rushes up to kiss him.

Gaara sighed even louder at the sight of that. Not only has he never felt love in that way before, but he knows for sure all the fangirls who say they're in love with him only want him for his title or for his appearance. He gently rested his head on his desk, deciding a nap was a better way to stop thinking about it.

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