Heavy Rain Chapter

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I arrived in front of the huge water fountain at exactly 12 pm. I swayed back on forth on my heels and kept looking around ever so often for a blue hedgehog to appear. Well Sonic said he was gonna be late. I shouldn't be worried if he ain't here directly on the dot. When I looked back up, I notice some other male mobians eyeing me hungrily. I hated when guys did that, only seeing girls as a sex object or a toy they could play with any time they want and fiddle with their emotions like its nothing special. It disgusted me, I bet Shadow was like that. Though, I actually never seen him with any girls. Probably does one night stands then. I walked over near a crowd of female teenagers in hopes to blend in and pretend I was with other people. I looked up at the bright blue sky and sighed in relaxation.


An hour has pass and still, no show Sonic. I texted him two times, I didn't want to text anymore than that, afraid that I would sound clingy and make him think I converted back to my old roots. I decided that I shall wait a little longer, despite my stomach growling from hunger, when I went to my fridge in the morning, I actually never pulled out any food. I could buy food right now, but I want to eat food with Sonic. That would be so romantic.

2:30 pm

I've called Sonic three times, and every single time it went to voice mail. I was starting to panic, I was worried that Sonic would never show up. I wanted to move from my spot and search for him, but Sonic said to not move no matter what. I gulped down my fear of being stood up and sat down on the bench over the hundredth time, and stared up at the cloudy sky. He'll come.


I've been asked by over 20 guys if I was here alone, if I needed anything or was I lost, etc, and every single time, I lied. I knew I was lying.

"No, I'm waiting for a friend, a male friend."

"No, I'm fine, thank you for asking."

"I'm actually from here. I know this place like the back of my hand."

Every single answer left a twisted knot in my stomach. It was that feeling where you felt guilty, where you knew something was wrong but you were too afraid to admit it or even accept the fact. I didn't want it to be true though. It can't be true, he... He wouldn't do this to me... Would he?

4:40 pm

The weather forecast lied to me as well. Sunny all day my ass.

5:20 pm

It was lightly drizzling know. I didn't bring a jacket. I wasn't planning to be out for this long... If I wasn't planning it... Why am I still sitting here?

5:50 pm

I wonder how's the party at Tony's was. Probably dry, warm, and fun. I should walk home, I don't want to use transit right now, but that would take me an hour if I start walking home. An hour doesn't seem too bad compared what I'm going through right now. Why didn't I take my car out today? Oh yeah, that's because I thought the weather was going to be nice. Trying to be eco friendly. I don't feel very friendly though.

6:10 pm

I wonder where's Sonic. I would call him, but my fingers are numb from the cold. I can't even feel my toes, heck, I can't even feel my body. I wonder how I look right now. I wonder if I still look pretty. Probably not.

7:00 pm

I think it's time to go home. I don't think Sonic is coming.

7:15 pm

I don't even know how my legs are moving right now. Every step I take, I feel like I'm lifting a thousand pounds. I'm freezing cold, physically shivering. Stupid rain, it started falling harder when 7 rolled around. That's alright though... No it isn't... Who am I fooling?

7:34 pm

I'm losing consciousness. I think I fell on the dirty wet sidewalk; collapsed would be a better word actually. I hope no one steals my purse, it has my phone in it. Inside my phone, has Sonic's number, my lover...

8:00 pm


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