Chapter 1

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

"Ma'am, i'm here." - someone said. I look up and saw Hed, my worker, with that stupid guy.

I smiled. "Thank you Hed. I'll take over now." - i said as Hed nodded and move away from that guy.

He was covered with blood, blue and black bruises on his face. He just sat on the floor on his knees. I smiled to him.

"So, Mr Lee Kang Hoon, wanna mess with me again?" - i asked, smiling. 

"N-no! I-i'm s-so s-sorry Ma'am Kim!" - Kang Hoon stuttered.

"Now then you're scared huh?" - i asked, laughing. I stand up and cross my arms.

"Listen here! I can be the only female gangster, but! Remember this, to be compared with your boss, i'm more fierce than he is! If you are going to disturb my location, i'm going to slaughter you!" - i shouted, which made everybody shocked.

"I won't d-do it a-again! I-i pro-omise-e! P-please don't s-slaughter me-e!" - Kang Hoon started begging.

I walk up to him, hold onto his face, "Better keep that promise Mr Kang Hoon. Tell your boss, if he is trying to do this again, i won't let all of you go. Understand?!" - i shouted at the last part and push him backwards roughly.

"Get lost!" - i shouted and he quickly run off. I laughed. Such an idiot. Same goes to his boss. They don't know who are they messing with. I got back to my sit and start doing my work.

-kring kring kring-

I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hello Ma'am, Hed here. Another gang is coming to meet you now." - Hed said. I cursed.


"The Spiders." - Hed said. I laughed. What kind of gang name is that? Hahaha!

"Okay tell them to come in and you know what to do." - i said and ended the call.

Then a sound on a knock on my door. I told my bodyguard to open it and it reveal a big gang of boys or sweaty men, in black walking in. 

"Hello Ji Sae!" - a guy with long black hair said, smiling to me. I smirked.

"Ma'am Kim you meant." - i said as i pointed a knife to his face.

"O-oh yes i'm so-orry Ma'am Kim." - he stuttered as he bowed and i put down the knife.

I sit down, i greeted and smiled them. "So, what are you doing here Mr Kwang Woo? You're not satisfied with something?" - i asked, still smirking.

"You guess it right, Ma'am. Come on Ma'am, why must you disturb my guy the other day?" - he asked.

"Ah that kid? Chan Ki? You umm need him to train more. He can't do any work and very weak. Umm i have to go now. I better check my kids if they are training well. I don't want them to be weak. Bye~" - i said, sarcastically and left.

I shook my head and chuckled. Idiot. I went downstairs to where my kids are. "Good Afternoon Ma'am!" - all of them greeted me. I gave a shot nod and they continued training.

Well let me introduce myself first. I'm Ji Sae, Kim Ji Sae. I'm from the Kim Company. I'm 20 this year and yes, i'm a gangster. A female gangster. I'm brought up this way and i liked it. My dad is the one who trained me to learn kung fu, taekwondo, hold dangerous things like guns, knife. He also taught me how to kill people with it.

School? I'm a university graduate and i decided to help my parents with their business. You can say it's damgerous but it's actually for my own safety. And don't get me wrong. You can say gangsters are bad and all that but for me, i'm a nice gangster.

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