Chapter 31

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Jungkook's P.O.V

-DAY 2-

I felt cold that made me wake up. Ji Sae took the blanket and use it all by herself. No wonder i'm cold. Today, we're going to the Mt. Hallasan. I heard people took a day to get to the peak and go back down. So, it's gonna be a long but adventurous day!

I turned to Ji Sae, who's back is facing me. "Yeobo~ wake up." - i whispered to her ears. No reaction. I leaned in closer to her ear and whispered again. Still nothing. I bite her ear lobe softly which made her groan. I giggled.

"Wake up." - i said. She let out another annoyed groan. She turned, laying straight, eyes still closed. I got on top of her, in push up position. Doing push ups and give her pecks, when i go down.

I did lots but this lazy girl won't get up. I went down again, caught her lips and bite her lower lips. Totally got her attention on that. She got shocked by the sudden pain so she finally she wakes up.

"The heck you're doing, Jeon Jungkook! Goodness it hurts!" - She yelled, touching her lips.

"Waking you up of course." - i said with a smile. I went down again and give peck again.

"Wait. What did you do to me?!" - she yelled again, pushing me away. She pulled the blanket, covering her body with it.

"I didn't do anything." - i said.

"But why were you on top of me?" - she asked with a frown.

"I did push ups. And while doing, i gave you lots of kisses. But you didn't wake up so i bite your lower lips." - i said and smiled.

She let out a relieve sigh. "Or do you want me too?" - i asked with a smirk, crawling on top of her.

"No! Get off!!" - she yelled, pushing me with all her strength. I chuckled. She got up, gave me a glare and walk in the bathroom. That little princess. She's so cute.

After so long waiting for her, she finally got out of the bathroom. She put on a long sleeve white tshirt and black jeans. I got in the bathroom and take a shower.

When i'm done, i got out of the bathroom and saw Ji Sae tying her hair in a ponytail. Wait. Am i seeing what i'm really seeing? I saw a tattoo. Right behind her neck. Eyy, no way. No no, Ji Sae don't have any. It must be her tshirt or something. Ji Sae turned and saw me. I gave her a smile. Ji Sae suddenly took off her pony tail, letting her hair go.

We went to have breakfast in the hotel. "Eat lots. We're going to go hiking, remember that." - i said to her. She nodded and smiled. We had cereal, some rice with a little bulgogi, an omelette and a few strawberry jam spread on bread.

I realise we have 2 more days in Jeju. This is fast. Let's have fun first. After breakfast, we got in our car and head to the mountain. When we got there, woahhh! It's nice!

I immediately take a lot of photos with my camera. I shift my way to take pictures of Ji Sae secretly. Beautiful. She's looking at the mountain with her mouth open. Why is she so cute? She turn her gaze to me and saw me taking pictures of her.

"Ya!" - she exclaimed. I laughed. I turn off my camera and put back the lens cover. Ji Sae frown and left me behind. I run to her and hug her from behind.

"Are you really gonna sulk at me right now? Really?" - i asked while spinning her.

"Ya!!" - she yelled.

"You're gonna sulk? Are you? If you are i'm gonna spin you again." - i asked again while smiling. Before she could answer, i spin her again. I put her down as she was trying to get back to her senses.

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