Chapter 7

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Ji Sae's P.O.V


I'm in my office as usual. Today, i'm gonna call that stupid waitress boss. Which is Miss Lim. I called and waited for her answer.

"Hello?" - she answered.

"Miss Lim, Ma'am here." - i said.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo Ma'am. What can i help you?" - she asked.

"I went to your restaurant last Tuesday. And your staff, Gong Sae Ron, was not doing her job properly." - i said. 

"Gong Sae Ron? Ah her. What do you want her to improve in?" - she asked.

"Tell her to stop flirting while working."

"She was flirting?"

"Yes. With my fiancé. Better tell her to stop it before i pull a trigger right in front of her face and shoot her." - i said.

"Oh gosh with your fiancé? I will talk to her Ma'am. Oh and Ma'am, congratulations in advance on your wedding tomorrow." - she said.

"Thank you. Better warn her before i warn her. Thank you once again." - i said and ended the call. I can't believe i'm gonna get married tomorrow.

I'm gonna be someone's wife tomorrow. Am i dreaming? I pinch myself and it hurts. I'm not dreaming. It's true. This feel like a dream.

Just then my phone vibrated. A text message from...


I sighed. Even if i hate him. I'll read his text for now.

'From; Jungie

Hey Jis. I want to say sorry for what will happen. Just blame me for what will happen in the future. I just want to tell you that i'll be saying my vows tomorrow. I hope you can come and meet my soon to be wife tomorrow. I'm sorry once again. Thank you for everything. Here's the address. —address —. I hope you can come.

I Love You.' 

A tear rolls down my cheeks. He's getting married tomorrow and he still can say he loves me. I just can't believe all these. It hurts so much. I can't come because i, myself will be saying my vows tomorrow. Even if it's not tomorrow, i won't go.

I'm sorry Jungie. You've hurt me enough. I won't go to your wedding just to get hurt by seeing you with your wife. I put my phone away and cried.

I feel like stabbing myself. This is so unfair. I feel like going to the roof and jump of. It hurts so much. I put my head on my desk and continued crying.

A knock came. I told the person to come in. It was my 4 guys. They asked if they could sit with me and i nodded. My tears still continue rolling down. I can't hide it anymore.

I grab my knife and pointed it to them. "Don't you dare telling this to anybody." - i said. They nodded.

"Wanna share what you're feeling to us, Ma'am?" - Seung Yoon asked. I told them the story from A-Z. They were angry because of my story.

A knock came and Hed open it. It was the police. They saw me crying and bowed. "We're sorry to interrupt you. Can we talk about the restaurant?" - one of them asked.

I wipe my tears and nodded. My guys got up and let the police sit. They show a cctv clip that was taken in the restaurant. As expected, The Tigers started it.

"We'll be responsible for The Tigers." - the police said.

"I need them to pay up for the restaurant." - i said. They nodded.

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