Chapter 19

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

So i'm on my way to Incheon Airport with a idol van. When i arrive, i called Jeong Wa, the head of security.

"Yes Ma'am?" - he answered.

"What time does BTS reach here?" - i asked.

"They are landing in 3 minutes time." - he said.

"Okay. Tight security. Lead them to my car." - i said.

"On it Ma'am." - he said.

"Thank you." - i said and ended the call. I texted their manager saying about my plan. I may seem like i don't care but i contact their manager. I waited patiently.

Minutes later, i received a text from their manager.

'From: Bangtan Manager
All right. Thank you Ji Sae. Do you want me to tell Jungkook?'

I let him call me Ji Sae because i wouldn't want him to call me 'Ma'am'. Everything will be exposed. I reply back.

'To: Bangtan Manager
No. Don't tell him anything.'

Send. I take my black face mask and used it. Covering my nose and mouth, so that nobody knows me. I put on my black gold raybans shades too. I tied my hair in a bun and hide it behind a snapback that i'm using.

Minutes later, i saw the chaos that is happening in the airport. Damn. Camera flash, damn crowded, screaming fangirls. And i'm happy with the security. Very tight.  And those girls mouth won't shut up. Did they swallowed microphones or speakers? Or is it both? Gosh.

I saw those boys walking towards my van closer. Their manager hyung open my back seat door. It slides open as BTS members got in one by one. Jungkook was the last one to got in. Their manager hyung slide the door close as he open the passenger seat and got in.

I press on the accelerate and drive off. Where am i driving them? My house. Of course. "Hyunggggg~" - i heard Jungkook whined. Must i admit this? I hate to admit this. I miss his voice.

"I wanna meet Ji Sae. I want to hug her and kiss her and not let her go. I miss her so much." - i heard Jungkook whined. I got me goosebumps. I don't know why.

"I know. Hold on. We're going home soon, Jungkook-ah." - one of his members said. My house is just damn far from the airport, so those boys slept.

40 minutes later, we arrived. "I'll wake them up. You should carry their things." - i said to their manager softly. He nodded and left quietly.

I turn my gaze back to these boys. They look tired. Sigh. They must be hungry too. I got down from the van and slide open the door. I have no idea who is who. Gosh this is annoying.

I shake this guy legs. He's pale. Whut. "Please wake up." - i said. I shake each of them and wake them up slowly. And it reached my limits to be honest. But they did wake up.

"Jungkook-ah. Wake up." - i said as i hit his thigh lightly. He got up quick.

"We're here. Quick." - i said. They still don't know me. Because of my disguise. They got up and one by one they went out of the van and stretched their bodies.

"Oh? Where are we?" - the one with pink hair asked.

I take off my snapback, revealing my light brown hair, take off my shades and finally my mask. They blinked a few times not knowing what to say or do.

I ignored and make my way to my house. "Baby?" - i heard Jungkook called me.

"Baby!!!!!" - he shouts happily. I heard running footsteps coming from behind. The next thing i know, i was spinning around.

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