Chapter 25

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Ji Sae's P.O,V

I shift Hayley's shop to another one. The destroyed one, i left it there. For police to investigate. I'm on my way to the police station with Hed and Kwang Dae.

When i arrive, i got off my car and got in the office. "Good Morning." - i greeted them as i walk to the counter.

"Good Morning. Can i help you?" - the lady officer said with a smile.

"Ji Sae. Kim Ji Sae." - i said.

"Oh hi Ma'am. Yes, the tape. I'll call my colleague and he will lead you to the room." - she said.

"Alright." - i said. She did her work as i sit down, waiting. Minutes later, a officer came.

"Hello, Ma'am." - Officer Ha greeted me. I greeted back.

"Shall we?" - he asked. I nodded. He walk first as i follow him from behind. He lead me to a room. He open the door for me and told me to sit down.

He sit across me. Looking at the laptop in front of him, clicking some stuff. He turn the computer and played the tape. I studied every corner. It was just a normal day, in that tape.

I waited. Minutes later, the glass of the shop got shot. It cracked into small pieces and fall on the floor. Then, a bunch of guys, guns, knife were on their hands. They broke in. It was a chaos in front of the shop.

From this cctv tape, we can't see what happen inside the shop. And moreover, that shop has no cctv at all. After that, those guys came back outside, holding bags. Must be money and those clothes.

One of the guy make his way to a wall and vandalized. The 4 diamonds. I can't seem to see their faces. Because they blocked their face using masks. While that guy was vandalizing, one of his gang come up to him.

No mask. I lean closer to the laptop and take a good look. I paused the tape. I zoomed in, to the guy's face. Ugly. This is it. I know straight away who was it.

Wanna play hard huh. "Alright. I've seen enough. Thank you." - i said as i shake Officer Ha's hand. I left the station. I got in my car with Hed and Kwang Dae.

"Double confirm. It's Black Diamonds." - i said.

"What are we gonna do, Ma'am?" - Hed asked.

"We'll play it cool. The police are gonna find out anyways. But before they get to catch these idiots, we will give them a lesson." - i said.

"Woo, i like that idea. When?" - Kwang Dae asked.

"Soon." - i replied.

Fast forward...

I got home. Now is almost 5 pm. Yeah i decided to go home early. I need to make Jungkook's dinner. I take a shower and change. I put on a hoodie and shorts which covers my tattoo.

Wouldn't want Jungkook to see them. Nobody have seen them to be honest. Except for my family, of course. I went to the kitchen and start making dinner.

After i'm done, i went to the living room. I sighed. Suddenly, the door bell rang. Thats weird. Jungkook never rings the bell. I went to the kitchen, taking a knife and hide it behind my back. I make my way to the door.

I prayed like a lot. I open it quickly and was taken aback. It was Hed. "Aish! What the hell is wrong with you?" - i yelled.

"This ish was about to come to you if i didn't know!" - i yelled, showing the knife i got from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. You left this. You need this actually." - Hed said as he gave me a file. A file regarding Hayley's shop.

"Oh thank god. Thanks." - i said. I saw headlights. Jungkook. Shit.

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