Chapter 22

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

"Who is it?" - i asked as i tap my index finger on my desk. My 4 guys, head low, along with some of the kids.

"WHO?!?!" - i yelled as i slam my hand on my desk.

"W-we don't k-know, M-ma'am." - Seung Yoon stuttered.

"You don't know?! Hed! What did i tell you?!" - i yelled again.

"I-i'm sorry, Ma'am." - Hed answered immediately, stuttering.

"Then now what?! I gotta wait another 15 fucking days?!" - i yelled again.

"M-ma'am, w-why not you ask the owners? They might k-know who is it." - Jong Hae stuttered, giving me a suggestion.

"Shut up before i slap your face. It's damn obvious those owners doesn't know them idiot!!" - i yelled.

My phone rang. I answered it. "What?"

"Ma'am, the lorry is here." - my client said. I ordered lots of stocks for the shops.

"Hongdae?" - i asked.

"Yes. Tomorrow, Gangnam and it continued for 2 more days. I'll text you the places." - he said.

"Alright. Thank you. I'll send my kids down, now." - i said and ended the call.

"Now all of you, get your asses to Gangnam now and keep the stocks for the respective shops. If i don't receive a text from Mr Jong Woon by the next 25 minutes, i'm gonna make you guys suffer." - i said. They nodded.

"What are you waiting for?! Get lost!" - i yelled. They immediately run off. Annoying asses. I got up, grabbing my bag and left my office. I got in my car and drive to Hongdae. I need my kids to work. This is serious matter. I stop at a barista to buy a drink. I look at my wrist watch, 10 minutes have past.

I waited for another five minutes, finishing my drink and left. I got in my car and drive to Jong Wook's pet shop. I got out of my car and went in the pet shop. "Oh! Annyeonghaseyo Ma'am!" - Jong Wook greeted me with a wide smile.

"Hello Jong Wook." - i greeted back with a smile.

"What can i help you, Ma'am?" - he asked.

"Nothing. I'm just gonna be sitting here." - i said as i gave a smile and sit on a red couch.

"Alright Ma'am." - he said with a smile. I calmly take a magazine and read them. I look at my wrist watch and shook my head. They still got 10 more minutes.

But its considered as late because i can reach here fast. After 10 minutes, they finally reach. They were panting hard.

"Late!!!" - i yelled. They look shock over my existence. I'm gonna have a sore throat by the end of the day, i can tell.

"I can reach here before you guys! This is business not kids world where you can play all day!" - i yelled again.

"B-but you take a car to reach here, M-ma'am." - Seung Yoon stuttered.

"So?! You are suppose to reach here before i do! I even get to go to a barista and buy a drink!"

"Down! Give me 20!" - i yelled. The 4 immediately went down, in push up positions.

"Count together and loud!" - i reminded them. They can't say anything because if they do, they're dead. So, they count together, loud and in sync. After they were done, they got up.

"Now, go outside, take Jong Wook's stocks and put them in the store." - i said. They nodded and immediately do what i said.

"I give you 15 minutes to do this ish." - i said as i calmly sit down and continue reading the magazine. Those kids did their job properly and we head to the next shop.

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