Chapter 14

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I took my bathe and now i'm getting ready. I grab my phone and went out of my room. I close it and open Ji Sae's door. She's sitting in front of her dresser, using mascara. She turn to me and gave me a glare.

"Who told you to open my door?" - she asked while frowning.

"I thought you're asleep so i just open it. Sorry." - i said with a smile. She roll her eyes and turn back to the mirror.

"So, where are you going?" - i asked as i walk in her room and sit on her bed.

"Work. Derh." - she said, eyes still on the mirror.

"Work? No. You're taking 3 days of off." - i said. She turn to me with wide eyes.

"What?! 3 days?!" - she exclaimed. I nodded.

"I'm still going." - she said as she turn back to the mirror.

"I said no, Kim Ji Sae." - i said with a serious face on. She turn to me and gave me a glare.

"Fine!" - she said. I smiled. I gestured her to sit next to me and she did.

"Kiss." - i said as i went closer to her. She hit my head and rolled her eyes. I giggled.

"I'm serious. Kiss." - i said.

"Go kiss your pillow instead." - she said and rolled her eyes.

"Okay. So princess, i will take care of you and make sure you will cure." - i said with a smile. I got up, fixing her pillows properly and pull her legs up. She leaned backwards to the pillow as i pull the comforter, covering her lower body.

"But first, let me take off these makeup." - i said.

"Ergh. Go away. I can do -"

"Shh. I'll do it." - i cut her. I take her makeup wipes and wipe her face carefully. After i'm done, i was surprise by her no makeup face. She look kind of the same with makeup. Except for the eyeliner and mascara of course. I mean like, she's pretty without makeup. I mean i've seen her without makeup before. It's just never this near.

"Stop staring at me." - she said with a frown. I smiled.

"Stay here and watch the tv. I'll make you breakfast." - i said with a smile. I gave her the remote and gave her a quick peck on her forehead. Than, running away from getting hit. I run to the kitchen and pant. I take my phone out of my pocket and search for a simple but delicious food to cook.

I decided to make her chicken soup. Along with rice. I made it and place it on a tray with a glass of water. I went upstairs with the tray. I open her door and Ji Sae has her eyes on the tv.

"Baby~ i made you breakfast." - i said with a smile and put the tray on the nightstand.

"Hmm." - she hummed, eyes still on the tv. I sat on her bed and lean in to kiss her just to get her attention. She push my away and i giggled.

I start to feed her even when she refuses it. "Thanks." - she said. I smiled. I jumped on her bed and lay next to her.

"Get off!" - she exclaimed. I crawl next to her and hug her by her waist.

"I wanna cuddle with you." - i said with a pout.

"Gosh stop it Jeon Jungkook." - she said. I hug her tighter and she just keep quiet. She just seem to be so focus on the drama. I sang 'Save Me' softly. She didn't say anything so i continued singing.

I turn my gaze to her dresser. A photo of her when she's a kid and a little guy next to her. She still keeps it? I sighed. Why do i feel guilty? I cleared my throat and sit up.

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