Chapter 13

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I feel so bad for Jungkook. He've been calling me but i didn't even answer. I didn't even reply his texts. I just don't want him to worry about me. But i am worrying him now. This huge deep cut and sprained ankle is killing me. And it's almost 4 am. I wanna stay in my office.

These white jeans are stained by my blood. More over it's ripped jeans. And both bandages can be seen. And it's damn obvious. Imagine if i were to go home like this? I bet Jungkook will get panic. I don't want him to be panic.

I'm used to all these and i got more worst than this. But i just can't let Jungkook see this. I'm so sorry Jungkook. I hope you're fine at home with your hyungs. I prayed hard that he won't be worried. I sighed. He can call me a bad wife. I don't care.

I just don't want him to be worried about me. I lean backwards to my chair and sighed. Gosh tiring and annoying day ever. I'm feeling guilty more than the tiredness. I didn't cook for Jungkook dinner. I think they are starving, waiting for me to cook for them.

I hope they bought something to eat before coming. I'm so disappointed in myself. My phone rang again and it was from Jungkook again. I want to answer but i can't. Why isn't he sleeping? It's late. I found myself crying.

Why? Because i'm giving worries to my husband when actually i don't want to. It stop ringing. I let out a relieve sigh. I put my head on my desk and fall asleep.

10 am...

I got up automatically. Without any alarms or vibration. I look at the clock and facepalm myself. Ugh. I need to go home and change. But i need a text from Jungkook saying he's on his way to work. He should be getting ready by now.

I waited till i get a notification from my phone. I tapped my index finger on my desk. My phone rang. I quickly grab my phone and sighed. It's appa. I gulped and answered the call.

"Yes appa?"

"Where are you? Huh? Jungkook called me saying you didn't come back home yesterday. Where did you go?" - appa asked. And his tone was angry. I knew Jungkook will call my parents.

"Appa could you not tell him where i am? I don't want him to get worried about my injury." - i said.

"Injury? What injury?" - appa asked.

"Yesterday, Black Diamonds came. JinHyun stab my thigh. Deep long cut appa. And i sprained my ankle. My jeans are covered with my blood. And its obvious. If Jungkook were to see this, he'll panic." - i said.

"Why didn't you just kill JinHyun then?" - appa asked. Still in his angry tone.

"Jisoo told me not to. But i stab his stomach." - i said.

"Hais. Could you please don't injure yourself?" - appa asked as his voice softens. He can't hear Jisoo's name. Appa love him so much.

"I wish i could. Please appa. Don't tell Jungkook about this. I beg you." - i said, pleading.

"Fine fine. Just go home okay. Don't make my son-in-law worried." - appa said.

"Thanks appa." - i said with a relief sigh and ended the call. I should go home by noon. Jungkook should be at work at noon time. I call Hed to buy me breakfast.

Fast Forward...

I got out of my car, limping. Jungkook's car is here. Gosh. I hope he's not inside. I prayed hard then walk slowly to the door. I open the door with the keys and walk in my house.

Nobody. Nobody? Yes nobody! I walk quickly, still limping, to my room. But when i was taking the stairs, someone called me.

"Kim Ji Sae." - Jeon Jungkook.

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