Chapter 42

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

8 pm...

I rushed to the hospital to see appa, along with the kids. When we arrive, appa was lying down, talking to eomma. Tears started running down my cheeks.

"Appa!" - i shouted, running to him and hug him tightly. Appa was shocked but he caressed my head slowly.

"Why didn't you call me?" - i asked. He sighed. I broke the hug and look at him, waiting for his answer.

"It's not serious, Ji Sae-ya." - he said.

"Not serious? How can you end up here if it's not serious?" - i asked.

He let out another sigh. "Okay. Okay, i'm sorry. I just didn't want you to worry." - he said. I wiped my tears and frown.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Sir Kim, Mrs Kim." - the kids greeted my parents.

"Oh? Why are all of you here?" - appa asked.

"We just finished Tyui Company and rushed here." - Hed said.

"That explains the blood and scars on Ji Sae's arms, everywhere." - Appa said.

"Any of you got injured?" - appa asked.

"Just a few, Sir Kim. All of them went to the doctor." - Seung Yoon answered.

"We have not much to worry now. Since Dae is dead." - appa said. I nodded. But a scene kept on replaying in my head.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Appa." - someone greeted. I turn my head and froze.

"Oh? Jungkook? You're here too?" - Appa asked. Jungkook walk closer to me and gave a small smile. The kids had their heads down.

"Appa, are you okay?" - he asked.

"I'm fine." - appa answered with a smile. It was quiet after that.

I cleared my throat and look at appa. "I gotta go appa. I'll come again soon." - i said. He give a nod. I give him a hug and left. I don't know, i just wanna leave.

I walk myself home. A lot of things running through my mind. I sighed. He saw everything didn't he? I bet he's disappointed. It took me hours to reach home.

By the time i did, it was soon to midnight. I walk in my house. I felt someone pulling my wrist, and lead me the living room. Who would it be right? I push him away and sit away from him.

He sat across me but say nothing. I got annoyed so i asked, "Are you gonna talk or not? If no, i wanna bathe."

He let out a sigh. "You're ..." - he started and paused.

"I what?"

"W-who are you?" - he asked stuttering.

"Kim Ji Sae, daughter of The Kim's Company, a gangster company, the boss." - i said.

"G-gangster?" - he stuttered again.

"You saw me killed a guy, the boys, the fight. It should explain everything." - i said. He kept quiet, avoiding my gaze.

He got up, wanting to leave but i pulled his wrist. "You know who am i now. It's only fair if i asked who are you then?" - i asked. I let him go as he widened his eyes.

"What do you mean?" - he asked.

"Spill it Jeon Jungkook." - i said, glaring in his eyes, gritting my teeth.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. What's with that?" - he said. I cursed. I pulled his wrist to my room. I took my blue box, put it on my bed and told him to stay where he is. I went to his room and grab the green box that he had underneath his bed.

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