Chapter 29

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Jungkook P.O.V

It was weird for me when she told me to sleep with her. But i'm not gonna complain. I always wanna sleep with her. 2 more days till we go Jeju. I hope she will recover by then.

I make my way upstairs to her room, along with a porridge that i bought. I'm gonna take care of her, like how she took care of me when i was sick. When i got in her room, i don't see her on the bed. I was about to call her but i heard her talking. I turn around, finding her voice.

"Yes. 5 days. Are you deaf?" - she said to the phone. She's at the balcony. I waited for her on her bed. After a few minutes, she turn and make her way inside.

"Where did you go?" - i heard she asked.

"I went to buy you porridge." - i said. She thanked me. She take a shower while i wait for her. Thinking that it's only 2 more days, i can't wait! There's lots of things to do!

Fast forward...

"Have you pack?" - i asked. She shook her head.

"Could you help me?" - she asked.

"Anything for you, baby." - i said and give a kiss on her head. She smiled. I like this 'Ji Sae'. She's calm. She smiles more. Now, she never say or do anything when i give her pecks or kisses. Instead, she smiles.

Which make it more worst. Because my heart can run off anytime. We walk in her closet. "Help me choose my clothes." - she said.

"Really?" - i asked. She nods.

"Take them and bring them to my bed. I'll wait there." - she said. She take her luggage and went to her bed. I walk around her closet, looking at her clothes. I start picking clothes for her.

After i'm done, i went to her bed. She take a look on what i picked. "Nice." - she said with a smile.

"You know my style so much." - she said while smiling. Her style? Easy. She prefer to dress comfortably, easy. Like example, jeans, tank top or tshirt. How simple can it gets?

"Oh wait." - she said. She pick up a skater skirt, that i picked up.

"I don't like this." - she said, handing me back the skirt. I raised my eyebrow.

"Why?" - i asked.

"I don't like skirts. They are annoying." - she said.

"Then why do you have this?" - i asked.

"My unnie bought for me during my birthday. So i can't say no or throw it." - she explained.

"Ah~ put it back?"

"Yes. No skirts okay. Jeans." - she said. I nodded. I went to her closet and put back her skirt at where i got them. I take a ripped jeans and walk back to her bed.

I hand the jeans to her and she smiled. "This is correct." - she said. She fold it and put it in her luggage. I helped her with the others too.

Ji Sae's P.O.V

Today, my heart is so warmed by Jungkook. He's taking care of me. I'm feeling a little better. I should be fine by tomorrow. I grab my laptop and did my work.

"Ah what are you doing?" - Jungkook whined.


"Stop. You're sick. Rest please." - he said.

"I gotta finish them. And it's not that much. Just a little. I'll rest soon okay." - i said and give him an assuring smile. He gave in and nodded. He turn his gaze back to the tv and continue watching the drama.

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