Chapter 38

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I've been feeling quite lazy nowadays. I didn't go to work for 3 days. Today? Nahh i'm lazy. I wanna stay at home. "When are you going back to work?" - Jungkook asked while using his socks.

I frown. "What? You don't like me to be at home? You want me to come back home late?" - i asked.

He giggled. "No. I love it when you stay at home. And, it's just a question." - he said. He put on his shoes and got up. And at the same time, his manager arrive.

"Take care! I'll miss you. I love you." - he said with a smile. He give me a peck and left. I smiled. I walk back inside and immediately make my way to my room. I jumped on my bed and lay down. At the same time, my phone vibrated. I frown. Hed calling.

"What?!" - i yelled as soon as i answered.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Could you come down to the office? Someone asked if she can find a job." - he said. I frown.

"No jobs! I'm lazy to even move!" - i yelled again.

"But Ma'am, she's in the need of a job. Could you help her? Please Ma'am." - he begged.

"Do you pity her that much?! Or is it your girlfriend?!" - i yelled, again.

"Eii, i have no girlfriend, Ma'am. And yes i pity her. She look like she really need one." - Hed answered.

"If i come down, you and the other 3 are gonna buy me lots of hanwoo and if you don't, i'm gonna slap your faces." - i said, ending the call. I just thought to relax and lay on my comfy bed and have a good sleep. But some ass just gotta come and ask for a freaking job!!! Urghhhhh!!! I got up lazily and changed.

I put on my ripped jeans, a white laced cropped top and the boots that Jungkook bought for me the other day. I grab my bag and head downstairs. I lock my house door and hop in my car. I should call Jungkook. I dialed his number and waited.

"Hello? Yes baby?" - he answered.

"I gotta go to work. Because it's urgent. So, i don't know what time i'll be home." - i said.

"Ah~ okay. Be safe! I gotta go, i love you!" - he said, happily and ended the call. I smiled. Urgh, i'm falling for him more. I turn on the engine, and drive to my office.

When i arrive, i walk up to my office room. As usual, my Caramel Macchiato greeted me. I sit on my office chair, taking a sip of it. A knock came, and Hed walk in. "Annyeonghaseyo, Ma'am." - he greeted. I gave a hum.

"Where's the girl that is in the need of jobs?" - i asked with a frown.

"She's in the café, next to us." - he said.

"Call her to come here quick." - i said. He give me a nod and left. Aishhhhh! I'm so lazy! I wanna like lay down, close my eyes and sleep the whole day! I let out an annoyed groan and ended with a sigh. I rest my head on my table, closing my eyes.

Minutes later, i heard a knock. I look up and frown. "Come in." - i said, fixing my hair. The door opens and a young girl walk in. I stand up and give her a bow.

"Annyeonghaseyo." - she greeted me, with a smile and bow. I greeted her back.

"Have a seat." - i said. We sit down, as i tapped my index finger on my table.

"So, i heard you're finding a job?" - i asked. She nodded.

"Yes, Ma'am. I just can't seem to find any. I went to almost every shop to find one but i don't seem to get them." - she said, a sad face shown.

"Are you a student?" - i asked.

She shook her head. "I'm a university graduate."

"University graduate? With your certificates, i can say you can get jobs almost everywhere. What's the problem?" - i stated.

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