Chapter 17

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Did she just give me a peck on my lips? DID SHE?! Oh my god!!! I run to my room and screamed. I lay on my bed and smiled. Is she starting to show her love to me? I grab my phone and called Bangtan.

"Hell -"

"Hyung!!!!" - i exclaimed.

"Ya! What the heck! Ahh you shocked me." - Hoseok hyung said.

"Sorry i just can't hyung!" - i exclaimed again.

"What happen??" - Jin hyung asked.

"Ji Sae gave me a peck ok my lips!!"

"OHHHH!!!!!" - they oh-ed loud.

"What made her do that?" - Jimin hyung asked, excited.

"I don't know! But urgh!!" - i exclaimed again. I'm just so happy!

"She even said sweet dreams with a smile!!! My heart hyung!! Oh my god!" - i exclaimed again.

"Jungkook-ah, go to sleep." - Yoongi hyung said.

"Ahh hyung! You're destroying the moment." - Tae hyung said.

"I wanna talk more but i'm sleepy. So! Bye hyung!" - I said and ended the call. I put my phone away and smile. And drift off to sleep.

The next day...

I got up as usual, i grab my luggage and pull it to the living room. "Where are you going? You're leaving me?" - i heard Ji Sae asked. I turned around.

"Leaving you? What do you mean? Pshh baby. I'm having concert at Japan today." - i said.

"And you didn't tell me?" - she asked with a frown.

"I wanted to tell you yesterday but something else happen." - i said as i remembered her giving me a peck on my lips.

"Whatever." - she said, annoyed and went to the kitchen. She's all sweet yesterday and now she's ... aigoo. Is she sulking? I went to the kitchen and saw her making breakfast.


"What?" - she answered coldly. I got up and gave her a back hug.

"Are you angry because i didn't tell you?" - i asked.

"What do you think?" - she asked.

"I'm sorry." - i said. She ignored.

"Can i have the same peck you gave me, yesterday?" - i asked. Our cheeks touch as my heart pumps fast.

"No." - she said. She push my hands away and continue making breakfast. I decided to not irritate her, so i sit down and look at her cook. She gave me a plate of pancakes, bacon and eggs. And a glass of milk.

She have the same for herself. Now. How am i going to comfort this little princess? After we're done eating breakfast, she ignored my existence. She was about to walk out of the house but i grab her wrist.

"Let go Jungkook." - she said. I pulled her wrist. I pressed my lips on hers and she responded it.

I broke it and look in her eyes. "I said i'm sorry."

Her eyes were glaring just now. But now, it softens. "I'm gonna be away for 3 days. Then, i'll come back." - i said.

"Please. Please take care of yourself when i'm not around." - i said again.

"I promise to text you my whereabouts." - i said again. She finally gave a nod.

"I love you." - i said. Suddenly i heard a horn. Must be manager hyung. I release her and pull my luggage. Ji Sae followed me. Manager hyung take my luggage and put it in at the back of the car. I was about to walk away but i felt Ji Sae's small hands pulling my wrist.

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