Chapter 11

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

Tyui Company and The Tigers have paid me. So now, the shop is under renovation. Every night, Jungkook and I will always go out to eat dinner. I don't mind but it's tiring. And we always arrive home around midnight.

Thats why, today, i have no choice but to stay at home. Plus, my house is so damn messy. The living room has magazines almost everywhere. My kitchen's sink has so many unwashed plates and glass. Trash not thrown away. My own room is messed with files, calculators, pens. Jungkook's room, i have no idea. Never went in his room before.

But gosh! It's so hard to live on my own. I have to always make sure that my house is clean. I keep on begging eomma and appa to send some maids here but they just ignored me. ㅠㅠ

A knock came on my room door. I open it and it was Jungkook. "You're not working today?" - he asked.

"I am." - i said. I had to lie. Cause if i don't, he don't wanna go to work too.

"I'll be home around midnight." - he said.

I nodded. "Bye. I love you." - he said with his sweetest smile.

"Bye." - i said. He gave me a quick peck on my lips and run away. He likes to steal kisses from me and it annoys me so much! Now that kid is not home, i should start cleaning. And i have the whole day in my house alone, yipee!!

Fuh! I inhale in and out continuously. Never in my life, i thought i would ever start cleaning my house. I guess today is the day. I can't believe i'm saying this but i'm gonna learn on how to cook. Gotta stop eating outside and save money. I start off with the trash. Then wash the plates and glasses. Wipe them with a dry cloth and place them neatly on the dish racks. After i'm done, i went to the living room.

I pick up all the magazines that are all over the place. And place it neatly on the coffee table. I went back to my room, and take the fake red rosses that i told Hed to buy. I cut the ends of it and put it in a white transparent short glass. So cute. And more over, its red.

I sweep the whole house. That includes the second floor, my room and the balcony. I'll sweep Jungkook's room later. The door bell rang and i open it.

"Woah. What a big house." - Seung Yoon said with his jaw dropped. Jong Hae nudged him and he went back to reality.

"Here are the art works that you ordered yesterday, Ma'am." - Jong Hae said.

"Put them in the living room." - i said. The nodded. They carried the frames in and left, right after. Yes, i ordered nice, unique and beautiful paintings or drawings, just to hang up on the walls. My house walls are all in white and it's so plain.

I ordered 10 frames of it. I hang all the 10 of them at different places. After i'm done, i mop the whole house. After hours of cleaning, i collapse on my bed. This is so tiring! I look at the clock and it almost 2 pm. I got up again and made myself ramen.

My phone rang and its from Jungkook. "Hmm?" - i answered the call.

"Yeobo~ i missed you." - he said. I can feel him pouting.

"Hmm." - i plainly hummed. I'm so tired to even talk.

"Are you okay?" - he asked.

"Yeah." - i said.

"No. You're lying to your yeobo." - he said. I spitted my drink when i heard he called himself 'yeobo'. I got so disgusted! Ewwwww!

"Ewww! I won't even call you yeobo!" - i said, disgusted. I heard him giggled. We talk more and ended the call. I wash the bowl that i used to eat ramen. After that, i sat on the couch with a sigh. So tiring. I whined to myself.

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